OutKick Readers Craft Perfect Football Tailgate Playlist Loaded With Great Songs

What's the perfect college football playlist? Turns out OutKick's readers are full of thoughts on that topic.

Fresh off our success with the OutKick reaction piece on when men can cry (some of you have hearts of stone!), I figured we might as well keep the momentum rolling. You know the rules in the business we're in. It's content, content, content and momentum, momentum, momentum at all times.

So, I fired up my X fingers, and asked our readers one simple thing:

What's your favorite football tailgate music and songs?

Once again, the OutKick faithful didn't disappoint, and I feel like we have a lot of really solid options, no matter what kind of music you enjoy. Let's dive in, and if you didn't get the chance to send your thoughts, hit me up at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.

OutKick readers build college football tailgate playlist loaded with great songs.

Now, it's not a secret OutKick fans come from all over the country. We're a massive national brand with millions of people spread out from coast to coast. Obviously, people in different sections of the country might trend different ways when it comes to music and entertainment. Having said that, I feel like we have a lot of solid options.

Queen - "We are the Champions":

This seems like the perfect way to start the list. This song is the definition of a banger, and for those of you too young to know what I'm talking about, I suggest you smash the play button below.

Turnpike Troubadours:

I've seen the Turnpike Troubadours in concert. Love their music, and love this recommendation. It's not the kind of music that will get you ready to run through a wall, but is perfect for drinking some beers.

Ron has a lot of great options:

Some great options on this list from Ron. Impossible to not think of the Chicago Bulls whenever you hear "Sirius," and I'm down for most of the list as well. Minus "Yea" from Usher. Too many PTSD memories from middle school dances.

This is another great list including a bunch of options. These are classics for the crowd that's older than millennials.

Who doesn't love AC/DC, Guns N' Roses and Metallica (see above)? Great suggestions from Scott.

Fire up some great songs from all below.

Who is ready for a little Hank Williams Jr.?

Do I even really need to describe this recommendation? Absolutely not. Just smash the play button.

Nothing hits quite like Billy Currington.

There are a lot of great songs from Billy Currington over the years. This one definitely is perfect for cold beers under the tent in a parking lot.

If you've never heard "Drinkin' Town with a Football Problem," do yourself a favor right now. Grab a beer, take a seat and hit play.

Florida fan throws out great Toby Keith suggestion.....that hits a little too close to home.

Bret suggests "As Good As I Once Was" from Toby Keith, but not for positive reasons. Sounds like Bret knows the good days are likely behind the Gators. It's all now about remembering the glory days of Urban Meyer and Tim Tebow.

I knew at least one Toby Keith song would make the list, and this is a great one. Give it a listen below.

Let's mix in a little break up drama with ice cold beer.

Is a tailgate a good time to remember failed relationships? I'd say no, BUT (notice the all caps), it's always time to drink some cold beer.

That's what "Cold as You" from Luke Combs is all about. Add it to the list.

We have the pick for if your team wins.

I must admit that I'd never heard the song "The Party's Over" from Willie Nelson prior to seeing the tweet below.

However, I must also admit that I liked it a lot after giving it a listen. Has a real "Righteous Gemstones" vibe to it, and I say that in the best way possible.

I 100% support playing it after a huge win.

You want to hear some hard core rock?

Remember when I said this list had diversity. I hope you took notes. This one comes to OutKick from Rooney, and I must admit I've never ever even heard of it before.

Honestly, not a fan, but this is a team effort. Sometimes, you have to pass the ball to let someone else score. Yell at Rooney if you don't like it.

What are some picks that were missed?

I've written about playlists, songs and tailgate music plenty of time. Feel free to reach out to David.Hookstead@outkick.com if you want to have a deep dive, but below are some picks I think should also be on the list.

P.S.: I'm sure Alan is a great guy. First beers are on me if we ever run into each other, but I'm telling you right now, if I'm at a tailgate and Lizzo comes on, somebody is getting a butt chewing.

Written by
David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.