Olivia Dunne Rides A Horse In A Bikini, More Joe Biden Poop Talk & Americans Love These Sex Positions
We made it! Over the hump, through the woods, and on a collision course for the weekend. You're excited. I'm excited. Let's grind out the rest of this week and finish with a bang.
Speaking of that … we've got some sex ed in today's class! We'll get there. Strap in (pun intended, obviously).
On that note, welcome to a Thursday Nightcaps – the one where we ride a horse with Olivia Dunne while Paul Skenes throws piss missiles by Shohei Ohtani (until they inevitably go 400 feet, of course).
I know, I'm jumping right in. Yesterday's class was a long one, though, and I've got a lot more to get to today. Your time is valuable, my time is valuable, so we're gonna get this engine motoring early and often.
What else? As I said, I've got some pretty eye-opening sex position stuff to get to. Turns out, y'all are weird. But also, sort of boring. You'll see.
I've also got Joe Biden potentially pooping himself overseas in yet another gold star moment for our fearless leader. Edmonton's boob flash girl is also BACK in the news, a lingerie league football player has stolen the hearts of Americans all over this great country, and a viral Twitter thread about childhood TV crushes has my full attention.
It tugged at my heartstrings, and it'll have you feeling nostalgic as well. Times used to be so simple, you know.
Grab you one of them old VHS tapes collecting dust in the closet to celebrate National Drive-In Movie Day, stare at it because you no longer own a VCR so you can't play it, and then settle in for a Thursday 'Cap!
Speaking of TV nostalgia …
You ever been to a drive-in movie? I'm sure plenty of you have, but I sadly have not. I have, however, been to a drive-in church. True story.
When I lived in Daytona years ago, there was an actual drive-in church like two blocks from my house. It was awesome, and exactly as it sounds. Pull up, throw the FM dial on the right station, and let the spirit flow for the next hour. Good stuff.
Anyway, I use that as a nice transition to this:
Such a good tweet. No engagement farming. No tactics. Just good, solid debate. And it's a LOADED question because the answers are all over the place.
Without even looking at the comments, my first two initial thoughts are Topanga Lawrence from Boy Meets World, and Kelly Kapowski from Saved By The Bell.
Obviously, I grew up in the 90s based on those answers. Those two dominated my childhood. The Boy Meets World episode where Cory cheats on Topanga at the ski cabin still lives in my head rent-free to this day. Devastating.
And the Saved By The Bell one where the weirdo college professor makes a move on Kelly? Insane. One of the most stressful episodes of television in the history of time.
I'd also throw in Jennifer Aniston from Friends (duh) and Leah Remini from King of Queens, but I feel like those two are in a separate league.
Anyway, there are some STRONG submissions here:
Olivia Dunne checks in on a horse
I mean, I could go on and on. Seriously, that thread is an endless wormhole. I'm not even gonna bother with a Mount Rushmore, because there isn't enough time in the day for me to put the correct amount of thought and care into that one.
Maybe some other time, but I don't have it in me today.
I can't think of a topic more down Nightcaps' alley than this one, so I'm gonna go ahead and plug my fancy email here instead of the bottom. Fire away! Zach.Dean@OutKick.com.
Speaking of emails …
From Mike L.
I'll hit the local course and walk 9 in the morning, makes me feel like I'm getting some benefit before starting the day. Once in a while I'll get that great drive or a tee shot that lands 3ft. from the pin on a short par 3. No one to share it with, I feel ya.
Thanks, Mike!
That was in response to yesterday's class, where I started it off by telling you how I made my first ever up-and-down earlier this week during a solo round of golf. In reviewing my story, I realized after the fact that I failed to mention that it actually wasn't a par-save. It was a bogey-save!
I duffed the first chip about five feet because it was so plugged. So, I lied about a golf story. I'm probably the first person to ever do that!
Anyway, here's Olivia Dunne riding a horse in a bikini. Full disclosure, I have no idea if this was in Screencaps or Nightcaps from late last week when I was off, but whatever. You can never have too many bikini horseback rides.
A great day for Joe Biden, Edmonton's boob flasher is back & sex positions
Giddy-up! What a power couple we have right now in baseball. Paul Skenes is electric, and Livvy Dunne is dominating horses in Los Cabos.
I mean, how great was this from yesterday:
The best. Inject it straight into my veins and don't ever stop.
OK, rapid-fire time because I've got a lawn to mow. First up? Joe!
This guy is on another level right now. I mean, good God. What are we doing here? For the debates this month, Trump should just sit there in silence and let Joe talk. When he's done, Trump should look straight into the camera and simply say, "God help us all," and then walk off.
He'd win by a million. Probably will anyway, but they'd probably call the election that night. We're so screwed.
The Oilers' boob flasher now has her own trading cards AND a porn offer. And yet, like a week later, we still don't have a name. An Instagram handle. An actual identity.
I've tried, folks. Tried like the dickens, and I can't find her. Nobody can. I've never seen anything like it. The internet is usually undefeated in tracking these TV stars down within minutes, and somehow, this Edmonton fan has eluded all of us. It's stunning. And sad.
Finally … I got this little email in the 'ol inbox this morning and found it fascinating:
Based on a recent data sheet, we reveal the most popular sex positions ranked by their monthly Google search volume.

Bikini football girl chugging a beer takes us into a big night
So much to break down there I don't even know where to begin.
For starters … missionary is No. 1? How is that possible? First off, what do you need to look up? It's the oldest trick in the book. Everyone knows how to do missionary.
Which is also why it's the most boring sex position of all time. I wouldn't get out of bed for missionary … whatever that means.
Now, the next two? I had no clue what they were. Upon review, the speed bump is just throwing a pillow under you for support, and amazon is just a fancy version of No. 4 – cowgirl.
The other ones are pretty well-known, but Lord help you if you try something called "Full Nelson" later tonight. Buddy, you better POUND some electrolytes beforehand and give yourself at least 30 minutes to limber up.
I'll let y'all google it on your time and personal devices, but here's the classy version:
On second thought, maybe missionary ain't that bad.
See you tomorrow.
OutKick Nightcaps is a daily column set to run Monday through Friday at 4 p.m. (roughly, we’re not robots).
You doing a Full Nelson tonight? Email me at Zach.Dean@OutKick.com. (Or, maybe don't?)