Oktoberfest Waitress Goes Viral For Carrying 13 Beers Weighing A Total Of 65 Pounds
Is Oktoberfest waitress Verena Angermeier, who can carry 13 heavy draft beer mugs at once, the most perfect woman in the world?
Some Internet observers, after watching Verena's performance in Munich where she's putting on a beer-carrying display, are ready to put a ring on it thanks to a TikTok content series that is sweeping the world off its feet.

Verena's ability to carry 13 filled mugs up stairs, through crowded Oktoberfest party rooms and hairpin curves where one wrong move could send suds flying has people mesmerized.
"My girl can’t even bring me one….," a Verena fan wrote on TikTok last week as the waitress was working hard to keep the Germans hydrated while they sing, eat and party their hearts out.
According to a simple Google search, a filled dimpled-glass stein at a German Oktoberfest event is typically five pounds. The stein itself weighs around three pounds and once filled with a liter of beer, the final total weight is five pounds.
Vernena is carrying 13 steins.
That's right, your math is correct -- 65 pounds.
In the men's division, Oliver Struempfel is considered the best of the best for the performance he put on at the 2017 Oktoberfest when he carried 29 mugs of beer 40 yards to set a new world record.
However, that was a stunt to set a record. Verena is carrying her 13 beers to be productive and keep the party cranking, hence the marriage proposals.
That's why so many are calling her the "perfect woman."
You make the call.