Oklahoma Man Arrested After Stabbing Another Man In The Head With A Flagpole At A Sonic Drive-In

An apparent disagreement of some kind at a Sonic Drive-In in Tulsa, Oklahoma ended with one man stabbing another man in the head with a flagpole. The insane incident took place at around 7:30 pm on Wednesday night.

When Tulsa police arrived on the scene, after reports of a stabbing, they found the victim with a flagpole through his head. According to police, the pole still had an American Flag attached to it.

The victim had been stabbed with the flagpole below his jaw. The pole went all the way through his head and exited near his right temple area on the opposite side of his skull.

Police arrested 54-year-old Clinton Collins at the Sonic location shortly after arriving on the scene. He is facing a felony maiming charge as a result of the incident. An incident that police say had multiple witnesses.

The witnesses to the police that they saw Collins charge at the victim with the flagpole. They say he then stabbed the victim in the head before saying, "That's what he gets. He deserved it."

The details surrounding the relationship of the two men and whatever led up to the bizarre stabbing aren't known. Despite being stabbed through his head with a flagpole, the victim is expected to survive. Although it is reportedly possible that he could lose an eye.

It's Not All Fun And Games At Sonic

The Tulsa Fire Department, who also responded to the call, had to cut part of the flagpole off in order for the victim could fit into the ambulance prior to being transported to the hospital.

Tulsa police told Fox News Digital that Collins was being held at the Tulsa County Jail.

What could have possibly happened at the Sonic before these two got into it? All I can think about whenever someone mentions Sonic is those two guys from the commercials who were on a date.

They always seemed like they were having such a good time. I could never imagine one of them stabbing the other in the head with a flagpole.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.