O.J. Simpson's Estate Auction Includes Some Wild Memorabilia

The estate of O.J. Simpson is auctioning off more than 100 items of personal memorabilia and housing items from the late football player, and social media is having a field day with it.

Simpson, who passed away nearly a year ago from prostate cancer, had run up quite the hefty debt to collectors as well as the families of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, which O.J. was unable to pay. As a result, the executor of the Simpson estate, Malcolm LaVergne, has partnered with Goldin Collectibles to begin auctioning off various items as a way to begin paying the massive amount of debt Simpson owes.

When I tell you anything and everything is up for auction, I'm not kidding.

If anyone reading this has a desire for an autographed photo of Simpson and Bill Clinton on a golf course, well, today's your lucky day! 


If Bill Clinton isn't your thing, maybe Naked Gun is. An autographed photo from the set featuring Simpson, Leslie Nielsen, and George Kennedy is going for $280 after 17 bids. 

Of course, there's plenty of autographed sports memorabilia from the NFL Hall of Famer - trophies and jerseys make up the majority of the auction. There are also floral shirts and clothes available for anyone buying with a buzz.


OutKick's very own Joe Kinsey - of Screencaps fame - put in a bid for one of O.J.'s golf bags.

Obviously, O.J. Simpson is highly controversial. Looking at the number of people bidding, there is major interest in some of Simpson's estate items - either from football fans, True-Crime documentary viewers, or those that just want to add one of the most random things they can to their mancave.

To be fair, I am in the market for a piano these days… and Simpson does have one going for around $3,000 right now with ten more days in the Goldin auction. 

Think I should put in a bid?

Let me know - tweet me @TheGunzShow!


Written by
Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.