Nothing To See Here, Just A Nude Guy Running Up And Down An Airplane

Welcome to flying in 2024, where a guy can get completely naked and run up and down an airplane and it doesn't even make breaking news anymore.

The unidentified male passenger was aboard a Virgin Airlines flight from Perth to Melbourne when he decided to show off his goods and strip down at the back of the aircraft. When flight attendants realized what was happening, they tried to stop him to no avail. Not this guy, he wanted everyone to know exactly what God gave him.

The man began running up and down the airplane completely bare naked, knocking over the attendants and passengers before eventually getting tackled and pinned down by two air marshals that, fortunately, were aboard the aircraft at the time. 

"He suddenly went bananas, running up and down the aisle and bashing on the cockpit door… knocking over people," one passenger told Australian radio station 3AW.



It's unclear why the guy decided to choose an airplane to start practicing his sprints. And also why he decided to do it while completely naked! Australian authorities say that he is currently undergoing a mental evaluation - shocker!

I don't know what it is, but for some reason airplane passengers have lost their damn minds ever since Covid. Sure, you may have the rare person that decided to be a jerk and do something stupid, but it is almost a weekly occurrence where some lunatic is doing something that makes you go, "What the heck is going on here?

Seriously though. Whether it was people losing it over mask mandates, to this lady who freaked out and demanded to be let off after she saw ghosts, to Taylor Swift singalongs, to people being locked in bathrooms that won't open, to let's not forget the Southwest Airlines debacle that ruined tens of thousands of holidays; flying isn't in an ideal spot right now.

So I ask you, OutKick readers - why are people suddenly thinking that airplanes are the best places to let their wild and crazy side loose? Email me: or Tweet me: @TheGunzShow

Written by
Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.