North West Steals The Spotlight, The Best Science Fair Project Ever & She's Looking For A Man In Finance...

We did it, y'all. We powered through a short work week, and we made it to Friday.

I hope your weekend is off to a better start than mine. As I write this, I'm sitting on a bench in a freezing, tiny room at the veterinarian's office. This morning, my dog came barreling into my office — violently shaking her head over and over and pawing at her ears like she was trying to rip them off.

To the vet we went. And sure enough, we've got ourselves a double ear infection. The doctor is filling her ear holes with some sort of medicated wax as we speak. And probably bribing Lucy with spoonfuls of peanut butter to make it happen.

I'm pretty lucky. Despite being 15 years old, Lucy is about as healthy as a geriatric pup can be. And we have to get her healed up — because Tuesday after work, we're headed to the mountains! My husband, the dog and I will be backpacking in North Georgia, sleeping in a yurt and unplugging from the world for a couple of days.

Y'all be sure to fill me in on what I miss while I'm away from the Internet. Did they tack on a few more bogus felonies for Trump just for funsies? Did Travis and Tay-Tay get engaged? Did Kylie Kelce have to smack down another obnoxious lady in a parking lot?

Speaking of Kylie Kelce, I saw a tweet after that incident declaring her as one of the ultra-rare people with a 100 percent approval rating. I agree. She's a badass. But it got me thinking… Who else is on that list?

So if you'd be so kind, head over to Twitter / X and let me know or email me at I'll compile those answers for the ultimate OutKick list of unproblematic celebrities early next week.

Now, let's get on to some Nightcaps, shall we? It's Friday. Let's have some fun!

I'm Looking For A Man In Finance…

Megan Boni — known on TikTok as "Girl on Couch" — posted a video of herself singing a song she made up. She simply repeats the line, "I’m looking for a man in finance, trust fund, 6’5", blue eyes." In the caption, she asked real-life DJs to turn her silliness into an actual song.

And boy did they deliver. Hundreds of DJs all over social media latched onto the song and remixed versions of their own.

Megan's original video has more than 35 million views (and counting), and it's been called "the song of the summer."

Even David Guetta (who is the only DJ I can name other than Khaled) has it bumping at his shows.

Boni said the idea behind the song is poking fun at single women who complain about their lack of a relationship while simultaneously maintaining an exorbitant list of demands for any potential partner.

"It was just making fun of that, so I started thinking of the most outlandish, hardest things to find in a man and wrote it down, then I came up with that rhyme," Boni explained.

But even men who don't check all the boxes have been having a good time with it.

And, of course, we have parodies.

Boni, who lives in New York, was working a day job in sales when she posted "Looking for a Man in Finance" and has since quit her job, according to People. 

"I haven’t slept. I feel like I’ve been blacked out for a week," she said. "I suddenly have an agent."

So if you're wondering why people continuously post dumb things on TikTok, it's because maybe — just maybe — one dumb thing will go viral and change your life forever.

North West Reignites Nepo Baby Debate

North West (the 10-year-old daughter of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West) played young Simba in The Lion King 30th Anniversary ― A Live-to-Film Concert Event at the Hollywood Bowl last weekend.

It was a high-dollar event, reportedly costing up to $4,000 for a ticket in the first few rows. Actors Billy Eichner, Jennifer Hudson and Jeremy Irons were also featured in the show, and it was recorded for a future Disney+ special.

But back to North… As part of her performance, she sang one of the film’s best-known songs, "I Just Can’t Wait to Be King," surrounded by a troupe of dancers dressed as cheetahs, zebras and various other animals you'll find roaming the Serengeti.

And, guys, it just wasn't good.

I am not in the business of dunking on 10-year-olds. And I will not do that. But the rest of social media sure is.

Take a look at these re-enactments:

So this isn't really about North. She's just a kid. And if any of us had the opportunity to star in The Lion King as elementary school children, we'd all think that was the coolest thing ever. 

The obvious problem is nepotism. It's the fact that other, very talented children tried out for this role, then Kim Kardashian strolled in, waved around some dollars and BOOM — North is Simba. And the fact that Kim and Kanye put their daughter in the position to be ridiculed is just gross.

After all the backlash, Kim posted these photos of North on her Instagram. And the comments were exactly what you'd expect.

yea ur nepotism isn’t cute. she wasn’t appropriate for the role.

People payed thousands to see a professional show, not an elementary performance. The nepotism in this was unfair to the cast and paying customers.

Why would you post this when you know the whole internet is clowning your daughter?

She’s gonna resent you for this when she grows up.

I'll play devil's advocate here. I'm actually going to argue that North West was the perfect choice for the role of Simba.

The song "I Just Can't Wait To Be King" is all about the entitlement and pride that comes with being a nepo-baby. It is, quite literally, the nepotism ANTHEM!

So call it poor casting if you want. But I think they nailed it.

Speaking of talented kids…

Check Out This Brilliant Science Fair Project

There is nothing I hated more in school than the science fair. Just a bunch of Poindexters standing there next to their stupid tri-fold cardboard signs explaining to judges how smart they are.

My hypothesis was… SHUT UP NERD.

Just kidding — I was a certified, straight-A nerd all through school. But God, I hated the science fair.

Maybe that's because, though, I never did a fun experiment like this. A kid in Washington did a science experiment to find out how much sawdust he could put in Rice Krispy Treats before people noticed. (Note: I actually don't know if the student was a boy or girl, but we're going to use he/him pronouns for simplicity's sake.)

Anyway, the kid hypothesized that he could use up to a half a cup of sawdust before anyone noticed. And guess what? He was pretty spot on.

The student offered Sawdust Krispies to 40 random people, and only six noticed that they tasted funnty. SIX!

For those wondering about the safety of said experiment, sawdust is actually an FDA-approved food additive. In fact, Americans eat sawdust every day in the form of most pre-shredded cheeses, ice cream, tomato paste (ketchup), cake mix, cookies and bagels — among other things. We're not talking trace amounts either. We're talking as much as 12 percent.

Maybe that's why 34 people thought wooden Rice Krispy Treats were totally normal.

So bon appétit, friends!

Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey

Yeah, I said. Rainbow dildo butt monkey.

(I'm losing it, guys. Can you tell it's Friday?)

But I saw this tweet a few days ago, and I thought, What in the LGBTQIA2S+ is going on here?

So I had to dig deeper.

Turns out, this story is actually a few years old. But it's so funny that I had to share: Back in 2021, a library in London hired a company called Mandinga Arts Group to provide entertainers for their Summer Reading Challenge event.

One of the entertainers was dressed, well, exactly how you’d expect a rainbow dildo butt monkey to be dressed: A person in a multicolored monkey costume with nipples exposed along with a fake penis and butt cheeks hanging out.

That'll get the kids reading! Even if only to avert their eyes.

Not surprisingly, the backlash was swift and strong, and the library was forced to issue an apology for apparently doing zero recon before inviting this sideshow to perform in front of children.

"During an event put on at the library today there was a performance by a Carnival Arts Company," read the apology tweet. "Unfortunately, one of the animal costumes was inappropriate, which we were not aware of at the time of booking. We deeply apologize for the offense caused. This is being looked into."

But before you pull up eBay, I regret to inform you that Mandinga Arts Group retired the costume — banishing the promiscuous primate forever to the Island of Misfit Mascots.

Also, I'm very sorry to Fox News for using a company computer to google "rainbow dildo butt monkey." I feel like I'm going to have to answer for that later.

But RDBM actually reminds me of a funny story, and I'll end our week with this: In season 1, episode 1 of South Park (throwing it way back to 1997 here) Cartman gets angry and calls his cat a "dildo."

My husband, who was 10 years old at the time, remembers watching that episode and having no idea what a dildo was. But he thought it was a funny word. So one day, he screamed across the house that the family dog was being a dildo.

At that moment, his mom decided he wasn't watching South Park anymore.

And here we are, 27 years later, still watching South Park. Sorry, Mom.

Now, y'all go enjoy your weekend. I have to tend to my sick dog. I'd call her a dildo, but she can't hear me anyway with all that gunk in her ears.

OutKick Nightcaps is a daily column set to run Monday through Friday at 4 p.m.

Follow me on X / Twitter at @TheAmberHarding or email me at