North Korea Is Sending Balloons Filled With Something Very Gross Across The Border To South Korea

It's raining feces in South Korea as its pesky North Korean neighbors have been filling balloons with garbage and excrement and floating them over.

Talk about a sh** storm!

The Seoul, South Korean military said that more than 250 balloons were sent from the north on Tuesday night. At first, emergency warnings sent border residents running indoors because of the ‘suspicious objects’ that were floating in the sky.

However, as the balloons were either shot down or crashed into buildings or popped on their own, so too did a waterfall of feces. 

And you thought getting pooped on by a bird or seagull was bad! 


… Well, why wouldn't they?

And although North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un may look like a caricature, this wasn't any sort of Mischief Night prank. Instead, late last week a North Korean defense minister warned that they would be sending "mounds of waste paper and filth" so that South Korea could "directly experience how much effort is required to remove" the balloons and feces.

It appears the North Koreans were a bit angry that South Korean activists sent over THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND balloons with antiregime leaflets and USB drives of the K-pop band BTS.

Now I understand BTS may sound like crap to some people, but at least it wasn't actual crap. 

But hey, although it may be a nuisance and not the most pleasant of situations, I'm sure both countries would rather have paper, pieces of trash and, yes, even some excrement raining down on them than nuclear bombs, right?


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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.