I don't get out much. OK, let me clarify: I don't get out of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, much. See, I live about 25 minutes south of Nashville. But with all the traffic, the tourists, the overpriced sub-par restaurants… I just prefer not to venture up there too often. But on Saturday, I was at a friend's house celebrating his birthday. After a few drinks and some very poor cornhole games, another friend asked if my husband and I wanted to grab some dinner. We said sure, so they take us to this very hip little spot. Upon entering, I realize it's a particularly fancy-looking, low-lit spot on the ground floor of a $600-per-night hotel. My immediate thought is, Wow, I am wildly under-dressed. We also find out this bar/restaurant is a private, member's only club where people pay thousands of dollars per year for the privilege of hanging out there and purchasing $25 cocktails. Jesus, Nashville has become so pretentious. Our friend gives the lady at the front desk his name, and we go in. I instantly feel ancient, as most of the clientele looks like they're in their early 20s. Trust fund babies, I guess. And the men are all in sweats and dirty tennis shoes. That made me feel a little better about my cargo pants — until I noticed the women were all dressed to the nines. What a weird dichotomy. Our friends tell us this is mostly a space for creatives, and "the networking opportunities are worth the membership fees." I love my friends very much, but forgive me if I'm skeptical. I ordered pasta and an old fashioned with house bourbon. My husband had a pork chop and an old fashioned. Our bill was $110 (before tip). And this is why I don't go to Nashville. Do you know how many Miller Lites and chicken wings I can have at my local Murfreesboro bar for $110?! Without listening to a bunch of spoiled social media influencers yelling "We should collab!" back and forth. So maybe I'm just getting old. Or — more likely — our once quaint, cool little city has become overrun with douchbaggery. Bring back dive bars, Nashville. I'm begging you. Anyway, let's move on. Grab yourself a drink (that doesn't cost $25). It's Nightcaps time! Nikki Haley Sends An Unfortunate Tweet During a speech in Greenville, S.C., this morning, Nikki Haley vowed to stay in the Republican presidential race "until the last person votes." She promises to keep dragging this dead horse of a campaign down the road past the South Carolina Primary and through Super Tuesday on March 5. Never mind the fact that Donald Trump has won every delegate contest so far and holds a wide lead over Haley even in her own home state. But hey, at least her social media gives us plenty of content! Take, for example, this banger of a tweet Nikki hit us with on Sunday. Oh no. Nikki, Nikki, Nikki… The "12 fellas" in question are the 12 male Republican presidential hopefuls who have already dropped out of the race. But, as you might expect, the Internet took this post and ran for the proverbial hills with it. As of right now, this tweet has 17.8 MILLION views and just over 7,000 likes. That is a Hall-of-Shame-worthy ratio. If you need a good laugh, feel free to scroll through the quotes and replies. Here are a few. Anyone would get dragged for tweeting something like this. But it's especially bad for a presidential hopeful who has been accused of cheating on her husband multiple times. A simple proofread — or even just running it by another human — could have avoided this disaster. Then again, her social media team is legitimately awful. Like that time they wrote fake emails and letters (with computer font) from alleged supporters urging her to stay in the race. And the time they didn't know how to work their content management software, so they scheduled a week's worth of tweets to post all at once. At this point, I'm not sure if it's incompetence or if her staff just legitimately hates her. Elizabeth Warren Picks Her ‘Dream Blunt Rotation’ I know you're sitting around thinking, I wonder who Liz Warren would like to get blazed with? And I'm here to tell you you're in luck. Because we have our answer. On his Pod Save America podcast this week, host Jon Favreau offered the senator a selection of politicians and celebrities to build her list of people she would "hypothetically like to smoke weed with because they’d be a really fun time." In other words, her "dream blunt rotation." Note: NOT the same kind of rotation Nikki Haley was tweeting about. Anyway, Warren knew immediately who she'd like to smoke the peace pipe with (Get it? Because she's allegedly .0000007% Cherokee?) It's Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. "Oh, The Rock! Oh, I’m stopping there," she said. "I’m just choosing The Rock four times." A 74-year-old senator talking about passing around the devil's lettuce with a retired professional wrestler. Kids, we've come a long, long way from Bill Clinton swearing he "didn't inhale." Liz chose The Rock over several Democrats (including Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi), Taylor Swift and Snoop Dogg. But that got me thinking… Who would I choose? Most definitely not Nancy Pelosi, I can tell you that much. But anyway, let's do a little reader poll. Who is ONE celebrity you'd love to hang with for a blunt/beer/spot of tea (whatever you're into and is legal in your state, of course)? Email me at Amber.Harding@outkick.com or tweet me at @TheAmberHarding. AirBnB Nightmare: The Shower Coffin Sometimes the pictures on AirBnB can be deceiving. A British TikToker named Kane Hinge went viral over the weekend when he checked into his AirBnB and found the tiniest shower known to man. Think one of those waterpark slides where you shoot down on your back. Or Augustus Gloop in the chocolate pipe at Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. "Bit of a tight squeeze," Hinge observed. I'm quite a bit smaller than this guy, and I'm not sure I'd be able to take a proper shower in there, either. But this reminds me of an AirBnB in Monteagle, Tenn. I was there with several friends celebrating my birthday. My husband and I had the master suite (I book it, I get first pick), so we were the only ones with our own bathroom. The only problem (which you could not tell in the listing photos) is that there was no door separating the bedroom and bathroom. The clawfoot bath, toilet and sink were all, quite literally, IN the bedroom. Now, the tub was cool. Kind of sexy. The toilet, though… not so much. The least they could have done is put up one of those Japanese folding screens to give you at least a little bit of privacy on the commode. Listen, I know marriage isn't always sexy. But I firmly believe one way to keep the passion alive is to NOT watch each other take a dump. Other than that, I've been pretty lucky with AirBnB's. And I've stayed in A LOT of them. I know a lot of people hear these "AirBnB nightmares" and they say things like, "Just stay in a hotel!" And friends, I'm here to tell you if I were filthy rich, I'd be all about five-star resorts, room service, spa treatments and gourmet meals. But for right now, I'm picking the place that costs $600 for a whole week AND has a kitchen, a living room and a yard for my dog over the place that costs $300 per night and includes none of those things. What's the WORST experience you've had at an AirBnB, rental or hotel? Hit me with it at Amber.Harding@outkick.com, and I'll share some next week. Speaking of, let's open the mailbag. Bob Will Pass On Beyoncé I’m a boring 63-yo married white guy who has never written to a website before. I generally read enough to know who’s who (sort of) but whatever that "music" was from Be(yond me)yancé. Yikes those songs were bad. Who is she? Amber: I'm honored to receive your first email to a website, Bob. And for those who didn't read Nightcaps last Tuesday (SHAME!), he's referring to the new Beyoncé "country songs" I shared. Bob, I totally understand not loving those songs. They weren't great. But I simply do not believe you have never heard of Beyoncé. Country Bey? Jeffrey Says 'No Way.' Tonight I made the mistake of deciding to listen to Country Bey. I got about 1 minute in to that first song and had to stop. Word vomiting cliché country themes with background banjo does not country music make. I randomly had the King's "Cross My Heart" pop in my head last night, and as I sang it my 3-year-old quickly caught on and started singing along. That's country...heart, soul, emotion, and honesty. Amber: For you uncultured swine, The King is George Strait — not Elvis. And I'm with you. I've gone on record many, many times saying country music is in a state of crisis. "Word vomiting cliché country themes with background banjo" describes a great majority of mainstream Nashville right now. They simply do not make 'em like George anymore. Lil Jon Meditated Brian To Sleep Your review of Lil Jon's meditation album had me intrigued. Been stressed with work bulls*t lately and thought I'd give it a shot. Well, it must've done the trick because I fell asleep. Wife walked in on me snoring while Lil Jon was rambling on about a beach in Tahiti. Amber: I can think of 100 worse things your wife could have walked in on you doing, so we're going to call this a win, Brian. Also a warning to anyone who decides to try out Lil Jon's meditations: I listened to the whole album this weekend so I could write a review. I also played back a few parts to make sure I got the quotes right. By doing so, the Spotify algorithm decided I'm a huge fan of mindful moments with Lil Jon. Unbeknown to me, it added a few tracks to my "Daily Mix," which I usually listen to at the gym. Imagine how caught-off-guard I was yesterday when, mid-squat, I hear the softest, most peaceful voice say, "Hello, this is Lil Jon." I laughed so hard I nearly dropped the barbell. Stuff That Made Me LOL I wonder what conclusion she came to? The early start on Mario Kart 64! All Millennials know this feeling. Forget Liz Warren and The Rock. I want to get high with this guy. Talk about a humbling experience. We'll end with this one. A little inappropriate, but I think Mike McDaniel would love it. OutKick Nightcaps is a daily column set to run Monday through Friday at 4 p.m. Follow me on X / Twitter at @TheAmberHarding or email me at Amber.Harding@OutKick.com.