Nikki Glaser Says Tom Brady Bolted After Roast, Seemed Upset With Some Jokes

The roast of Tom Brady on Netflix was generally a huge success.

There were plenty of legitimately laugh-out-loud moments, some surprise personalities, and outside of one notable exception, virtually no topic was off-limits.

READ: Roast of Tom Brady Epitomized What Comedy Should Be, Nothing Was Off-Limits

One of the star performers was comedian Nikki Glaser, who threw out haymaker after haymaker at Brady's expense. Glaser and other comics went after Brady's split from Gisele Bundchen, Aaron Hernandez, deflated footballs, his failed relationship with FTX and even Eli Manning's record against Brady in Super Bowls. For the most part, Brady seemed to take it all in stride. 

Except for one joke about New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft and his massage parlor scandal, of course.

But even though Brady seemed mostly to be enjoying the show, according to Glaser, he also didn't seem interested in sticking around afterwards.

Glaser appeared on "The Pat McAfee Show" on Thursday and said Brady didn't go to the afterparty for "The Greatest Roast of All Time." And she implied heavily that it was because he didn't like how many jokes there were about his divorce.

Glaser said "he probably had something to do, because he’s a busy guy," except, of course, the show ended at 8pm on a Sunday. On a totally different coast from where he makes his usual residence. Sure, he's popular, but how many plans could he have had after a roast where many of his closest former teammates were gathered?

Nikki Glaser Explains Tom Brady's Reaction After The Show

Glaser also described running into him and his reaction to her performance.

"He was on his way out, and I ran into him in the hallway and just said ‘hey, thanks for having me again.’ We didn’t meet him before the show. I only met him after I got done with my set and gave him a hug and said ‘Thank you’ after telling him horrible things about himself. . . . Really quickly, he just goes, ‘You did a great job. Good luck with everything,’ which is pretty much saying, ‘I’ll never see you again and don’t even try to contact me. Have a good life,'" Glaser said in the interview.

She continued, "He was out of there because I know what it’s like. You go into these things, and you go, ‘It’s not really going to offend me. I kind of know everything that’s fair game for them to say about me.' But I’m also on the other side of this and studying these people and thinking, ‘What’s the worst way I can hurt them,’ and I don’t think he thought we were going to say things about him losing his family. I think that’s one he didn’t predict. And the truth is, he didn’t lose his family. He is a great father. That was obviously hyperbole. He lost his wife. . . . So I feel like he was a little pissed off about that, but he literally could’ve had somewhere to go."

It could have been that Brady never intended to attend the afterparty, but if he did seem bothered by jokes about his family life, it's worth wondering what exactly he expected from a roast? Roasts are supposed to be about exaggerating personal failings or newsworthy stories for comedic effect.

Sure, his separation is a private issue that would be upsetting for anyone…so then don't sign yourself up to be the subject of a roast. 

Brady's closing monologue was pretty harsh; going after fans of other teams, and ending with a double middle finger and "f*** ‘em all" message. Maybe he really did just want to get out of there without more socializing.  Or maybe he just really didn't expect to be offended, and he was. One thing's for certain though; it was sure funny for the rest of us.

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.