NFL Wife Says She Can't Spend The Night Before Games With Her Husband

If you dismiss the millions of dollars in pay, an NFL player's lifestyle isn't as dreamy as one would expect.

One NFL wifey disclosed surprising details about a team's requirements for players leading up to game days, with a few shocking twists included.

Sydney Warner, a trending TikTok personality and wife to San Francisco 49ers linebacker Fred Warner, shared NFL secrets, specific to Niners players.

She hit the headlines last week after sharing her experience with rabid Eagles fans during the NFC Championship Game; now she's back online to spill some tea.

“These are all things that are specific to our team, our organization, our city, and our situation,” Sydney began.

Sydney's first secret was sharing how NFL players are paid, which is far less extravagant than most expect.

“For some reason, in my weird mind, I thought that,” Sydney said, “like a Brinks truck just drove to their house and gave them a lump sum of cash, years at a time, I don’t know.”

She then shared how players are required to stay in hotel rooms, for both away and home contests. Sydney admitted that partners are not allowed to sleep in the same room as the players because they don't need more distractions leading up to game time.

“For away games, they are obviously in a hotel, but if I choose to go to the same hotel, we’re not allowed to be in the same room, and then home games they also sleep in a hotel,” she noted.

Absolutely scandalous.

One final detail that the TikTok star told her fans was the shocking reality when it comes to buying tickets to see their significant other's game. Wifeys and girlfriends are required to pay for games, both home and away, but the 49er S.O.'s get free Super Bowl tickets.

“All your tickets to games, home and away, aren’t free,” Sydney revealed. “They are at a discounted rate, but they’re not free.

With all that red tape from the NFL, I think I'll keep my life as a simpleton.

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Alejandro Avila is a longtime writer at OutKick, living in Southern California. 

AA's insights on topics ranging from cinema to food and politics transformed the lives of average folks worldwide into followers of the OutKick Way©

Trying to out-wit this writer has been likened to staring at the sun and waiting for it to blink first. 

Interests: Jeopardy, movies, Jiu-Jitsu, faith, Los Angeles. (follow @alejandroaveela on X)