New York Times Writer Complains About Airport Food Prices In One Of The Most Detached-From-Reality Tweets Ever Shared

David Brooks is a columnist for the New York Times and a former reporter for The Wall Street Journal. One would assume that with that sort of résume he has visited an airport and ordered food before, but apparently, the 62-year-old had his first airport dining experience just this week.

Mr. Brooks was flying out of Newark Airport on Wednesday and decided to grab a late-night dinner. He ordered a burger and fries, always one of the safer bets at any airport, but was shocked to find out that his bill was $78.

Brooks was so upset by the tab that he decided to share a photo of his meal on X, formerly known as Twitter. His sharing of the photo proves that he is royally pissed off, because Brooks has shared just two photos to his X account since May 2022.

The photo reveals two things: Brooks is not a fan of vegetables but is a fan of hefty pours of scotch.

You have to love how he refers to this as a meal, as if drinking doubles (maybe a triple) of scotch with your burger and fries is typical.

The burger and fries could not have been more than $30 leaving the large scotch costing somewhere around $40, which is honestly cheaper than what I expected it to be given a single beer at Newark typically runs around $15.

What exactly was the thought process here, did he think people were going to agree with him that airport food and drinks are too expensive? Every person who has ever stepped foot inside of an airport already knows this and complains about it anytime they buy any item while traveling.

Did Brooks forget his followers have eyes and assume weren't going to notice his brown water sitting right in the center of the photo?

David Brooks Of The NYT Appears Beyond Lost

He honestly may have, given how insulting the actual caption of the photo is by saying Americans think that the economy is in the toilet because burgers and booze is expensive at an international airport.

First and foremost, Mr. Brooks, Americans don't "think the economy is terrible," they know the economy is terrible because it quite literally is.


They didn't come to this realization after boozing it up at an airport, they realized it when they were struggling to afford to fill up their cars and contemplating if they should 'splurge' on some eggs, for starters.

It's shocking to see someone who receives a paycheck from The New York Times to be so detached from reality. Shocking, I tell you.

Follow Mark Harris on X @ItIsMarkHarris

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Mark covers all sports at OutKick while keeping a close eye on the world of professional golf. He graduated from the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga before earning his master's degree in journalism from the University of Tennessee. Before joining OutKick, he wrote for various outlets, including SB Nation, The Spun, and BroBible. Mark was also a writer for the Chicago Cubs Double-A affiliate in 2016, when the team won the World Series. He's still waiting for his championship ring to arrive. Follow him on Twitter @itismarkharris.