New York State Could Ban All Tobacco Products In Governor-Led Authoritarian Squeeze Play

Better stock up on your Marlboros - New York state's coming after 'em.

New York and Governor Kathy Hochul are continuing their authoritarian ways by coming after tobacco... maybe even ALL of it.

Hochul has already included the ban of all menthol cigarettes and flavored tobacco products as part of her upcoming state budget proposal. However, questions from a new survey have New Yorkers worried that an outright ban may be next.

"What is your opinion about a policy that would end the sale of all tobacco products in New York within 10 years," a question by the New York Local Opinion Leaders Survey asked.

Another one potentially revealed the state's plan of attack, phasing it out based on age. "What is your opinion about a policy that would ban the sale of all tobacco products to those born after a certain date? For example, those born after the year 2010 or later would never be sold tobacco," the survey asked.


Although less people are using tobacco or smoking cigarettes these days, the decision to possibly ban all tobacco products is hardly health-related. Ya know, just as Hochul forced kids to continue wearing masks when nearly every other state had already done away with it.

It appears that this has to do with what it always has to... money.

Both Governor Hochul and New York state are so heavily-involved in the cannabis industry that they are trying to limit any alternatives so that more people have no choice but to use the state-regulated smoke shops and products. Every cigarette smoker won't turn to pot, but if you can't Juul, you can't use flavored tobacco, and you eventually can't use any tobacco - you can be damn sure that more people will turn to cannabis.

Just last week Hochul announced the "Why Buy Legal New York" public education campaign, aimed at shutting down local dispensaries and pot shops that weren't controlled by the government. They didn't do this just coincidentally.

Of course, by forcing people to buy their cannabis from state-sponsored cannabis locations means that Hochul and her ilk receive more luxurious kickback in tax revenues.

It's an authoritarian squeeze play.


Although the tobacco survey was not officially endorsed by New York state, insiders told the New York Post that the setup is right there. Hochul will be able to use the survey as an example of why a partial or full tobacco plan should be enacted - "See? New Yorkers want it!" even though they may not be aware of what is actually happening. (But hey - that's why you read OutKick for the truth!)

Americans aren't dumb. We know that tobacco and smoke isn't healthy. But isn't it interesting that cigarette smoke is bad, but marijuana smoke that many states are financially backing is somehow safe?

The state shouldn't be able to ban tobacco products when they have ulterior motives for doing so.

Just like they shouldn't tax residents for using Netflix and Uber.