New York City Has Figured Out How To Solve Its Problems - By Cutting Back On Ketchup

Forget about New York City's rise in crime, ridiculously high rent prices, unsafe subways or the fact that it just plain smells like trash most of the time. The city that never sleeps has solved its biggest problem yet... by cutting back on ketchup.

As of yesterday, New York City restaurants, diners and food deliveries are not allowed to include utensils or condiments in any orders unless specifically requested by the customer, according to a new Department of Sanitation press release. The city claims the move is to protect the environment due to the amount of wasteful supplies.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams signed the "Skip The Stuff," bill earlier this year but apparently nobody was following it so they had to go and make a big press release about it. Adams' intention is to “help us secure a sustainable future by reducing plastic that ends up in our landfills," according to the law. If restaurants or eateries are found in violation of throwing that extra ketchup, mustard or mayo in your bag they will be fined, because of course the city would do so.

Why do I somehow think that this has very minimal to do with the actual environment and rather, somehow the city is getting a kickback from the move? Meanwhile, New York City pizzerias are saying "hold my dough" as they struggle with finding out how to afford new ovens in lieu of the city's plan to ban coal brick ones.


Forget the fact that the delivery person may be mugged or needs protection just to safely travel and drop off the food. No, NYC believes that those plastic forks and knives are more dangerous than the real knives that criminals are using throughout the city.

The new move perfectly sums up the current state of New York City as well as other cities across the country. Divert away from safety issues that affect humans in the immediate future, while instead looking at the future. My question is, why can't we do both?


Listen, I hate wasting food and I also recycle. I'm all about living as long as I possibly can here. Go Earth or whatever. But when you add it to everything else the city and politicians have decreed in recent years, much of which turned out to be either an absolute disaster, a colossal waste of money, or them lining their own pockets, excuse me for being a little skeptical when any new plan is being pushed through. Also, does this mean John Kerry and his Heinz ketchup billionaire wife are going to get a profit out of this somehow?

To praise this as a "Eureka!" moment, while letting the rest of the city fall to pieces would be laughable if it wasn't so serious. This meme has never made more sense than right now.

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.