New Study Suggests That For Most Kids Wanting To Change Genders Is A Phase... But You Probably Assumed That

A new study published by Daily Mail suggests something that many of us have assumed for a long, long time: that for most kids who experience a desire to change sexes during childhood, it's a phase that they grow out of.

The study was conducted by researchers in the Netherlands and was pretty simple. They looked at 2,700 subjects ranging in age from 11 to their twenties and every three years they asked them how they felt about their gender.


What did they find? Well, first they discovered that 11% of kids — roughly one out of every ten that were part of the study — expressed varying degrees of what researchers dubbed "gender non-conformity," which obviously means that they felt their gender differed from their biological sex.

Interestingly, what researchers found was that once kids were at the far end of the age range for the test, most had outgrown those feelings of "gender non-conformity." Only 4% of subjects still reported them.

So, what does this mean? While researchers said it might help some kids understand that questioning their gender isn't uncommon, it also shows that most of the kids who did have these questions grew out of it.

That's exactly what many folks — we'll call them sane people — have been arguing for years: kids go through phases and acting on a phase in a life-altering way is wildly irresponsible.


It blows my mind that this is even a point of discussion for a functioning adult. Did you do things that were stupid when you were a kid because you were going through a phase? Of course, you did. 

Fortunately, for most of us, that just meant getting dopey haircuts or dressing like an idiot. It didn't mean lopping off body parts.

Kids can't fully grasp how a decision can impact the rest of their lives. This study looks to be further proof that kids aren't prepared to make these life-altering decisions the way an adult is.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.