'Naturally Blessed' Teacher Called To The Principal's Office After Parent Complains About Her Boobs

A "naturally blessed" middle school teacher from parts unknown is having to deal with unfair complaints from an anonymous parent. It's truly a sad day for educators.

This teacher follows the dress code to the letter. She hasn't been hit with a dress code violation in her six-year career. And she was still called down to the principal's office due to a parent's complaint.

The teacher took her story to Reddit hoping for an assist from the teaching community there. She wrote, "I am a middle school teacher that is teaching 8th grade this year. I have (for lack of better words) really big boobs so it’s hard to conceal them. I always follow dress code and have never been dress coded in the 6 years I’ve been in education. Everyone always compliments my outfits!"

We're off to a good start here. She's a dedicated teacher. She happens to have really big boobs. She's never been hit with a dress code violation and everyone compliments her outfits. Those all sound like valuable qualities you look for in a teacher.

Let's see where this is all going. She continued, "My admin told me that a parent came up to the school and said that their son was talking about my boobs at home and they were concerned that I was not following dress code for him to be able to see my boobs. My admin straight up told the parent that I always follow the dress code and I am just naturally 'blessed.'"

Naturally blessed teachers aren't the ones parents should be concerned with

This is borderline criminal. Imagine being the parent - I would say definitely the mom, but you never know these days - who got in their car and drove up to the school to complain that their son had noticed his teacher's boobs.

The "naturally blessed" comment is a nice touch by the administrator, but they should have suggested to this lunatic parent everything from putting the kid in another class to expulsion.

Thankfully, the administrator is on the teacher's side here. But that did little to reassure the teacher that she's not going to be hit with more ridiculous complaints. So she went looking for some advice from her fellow educators.

She asked, "Has this ever happened to anyone? I’ve NEVER had a parent complain about my body? I’m just a curvy girl and I physically cannot hide it."

She received a lot of support from the teaching community and has decided to "push forward knowing that the admin has my back and that I’m doing everything right!"

It was touch and go there for a minute. I was worried that there would be an update that said she had been fired, but that's not the case.

We get the happy ending we all deserve, especially the other parents who were looking forward to the parent-teacher conferences.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.