NASA Concludes We Are Screwed If An Asteroid Was Set To Collide With Earth

NASA has conducted one of its most thorough ‘hypothetical scenarios’ on how humans would do if an asteroid was on a path to collide with Earth, and the results are worse than an Armageddon knockoff sequel.

Over 100 governmental groups participated in the Earth-destroying asteroid test under the guise of the "Planetary Defense Coordination Office." Their task was to find out how society would react and how world governments would respond if we were given a 14-year heads up that the massive asteroid was set to collide and effectively destroy all the Earth.

The result? Thirty-three % of the government agencies concluded that we are not ready, nor capable of stopping the massive rock from impacting us. Looks like Bruce Willis, Steve Buscemi and the rest of those misfits were full of it when they sang they'd be "Leaving on a Jet Plane" in Michael Bay's Armageddon to blow up an asteroid - we simply don't have the capable technology to do so. 

"Even though 14 years sounds like a long time, it actually might not be when you think of developing missions," NASA's acting planetary defense officer Kelly Fast said. 

Currently, the only thing we are capable of doing to thwart the path of an asteroid is what is known as ‘kinetic impact,’ which is essentially crashing a spacecraft into the rock to break it into smaller pieces. NASA did this in 2022 for a smaller asteroid that was 6.8 million miles away.

But surely this ‘hypothetical scenario’ is just that: hypothetical, right? Well, this is the fifth time that NASA and the other agencies have conducted this type of mock run. However, it's the first time it included international agencies as well. And if we've learned anything about our government bureaucracy - if they are doing drills and tests, many times it ends up coming true.

Frankly, I'm skeptical about whether you and I would be told if an Earth-destroying asteroid was on its way here. Think about the mayhem, chaos, panic and unraveling of society that it would cause. As part of the study's report, some of the agencies agreed that "misinformation and disinformation would have to be dealt with," while one unnamed participant even opined that "Maintaining trust at the start of this event is critical and that means talking early – probably earlier than the scientists and lawyers are comfortable with."

LOL. Not exactly what one wants to hear coming out of the past four years of the Covid roll out and subsequent mess and the lies and narrative change that we are still seeing from the likes of Dr. Fauci and more.

We are so screwed. 

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.