Naked Politician Wakes Up In A Brothel With No Idea How He Got There Or Where He Left His Clothes
By now it's no secret that members of the British Parliament like to party. They had a whole scandal about partying during lockdowns called "partygate." You don't earn a scandal like that without living a party lifestyle.
We're not talking about casual social events either. They got after it. Some of these were parties that went into the early morning hours. With wine spilled on the walls, a minor dustup, and some hard drinking with people getting sick.

There's even a story that surfaced over the weekend, and a source confirmed to the Daily Mail, involving a member of parliament having to "phone a friend." Rather, a senior member of his party, in the early morning hours after finding himself naked in a brothel.
According to how things played out, the unnamed MP said, "I'm in a brothel. I don't know how I got here and I can't find my clothes."
The call is said to have taken place toward the end of Boris Johnson's run as prime minister, which ended with his resignation in September 2022.
The news of the call for help from the brothel has folks wondering which one of the party animals went too hard. An MP commenting on the incident said, "It has got us all asking – who would be your 'phone a friend' at 4am in a sticky situation?"
"And our conclusion was – certainly not the person that he did call."
Early Morning Brothel Calls From Naked Politicians Is A Sign Things Are A Little Of Hand
Whoever placed the call from the brothel is likely going to be hard to pin down. Short of a source, or the senior member of the party that received the call, revealing their identity there are a lot people it could be.
Call it a benefit of a party lifestyle. All the hard drinking and scandals serve as a form of cover for early morning calls from the brothel. This is par for the course as far as people in the U.K. are concerned.
The British Parliament has its work cutout if it wants to get its act together. There have been reports that 70 complaints of inappropriate behavior have been made against 56 members of parliament.
Clean it up British Parliament. The people need a government with less partying, but just as much incompetence. You know, they way we run things here.