Mystery Woman At Knicks-76ers Game Drives America Crazy

While America was locked in on the ending of the Knicks-76ers game late Thursday night, one TNT camera operator (could be a man or woman, we don't discriminate around here) was busy making another star.

And, because the internet is undefeated in this arena, he/she succeeded. 

It's been a while – not really, we've been on a roll – but we have our next viral sensation at a sporting event. Knicks fan? 76ers fan? Just an NBA fan?

Who knows? Doesn't matter. This mystery woman lit up the internet like the Fourth of July in early-May, and in the world of blogging, that earns you some Friday clout. 

Meet America's next star – Concerned NBA Woman:

America makes another star at Knicks-76ers game

Too late, RealAcePicks. Like I said, the internet is undefeated. It's a wasteland. If you think you're ahead of a trend, think again. We'll never be quick enough. Not in today's age of social media, at least. 

I experienced it firsthand last week when I thought I would try to pull a fast one on everybody and identify Caleb Williams' girlfriend before the NFL Draft. Well guess what? 

I ID'd the wrong girl – his ex, apparently – because he showed up to Detroit with a mystery blonde that sent everyone into an absolute tailspin. Stars are born so fast and furious nowadays that you just can't keep up. 

Anyway, somehow, this courtside woman has somehow eluded the internet sleuths as of late this afternoon. 

No clue how, but I'm impressed. For now, she remains a mystery, known only as the viral NBA fan. Some do believe she's a 76ers fan based on location and the fact that the Sixers were down when she nervously looked on, but that's all we got right now. 

No more, no less. 

She does, however, join an absolutely loaded list of sporting event stars. 

We had JJ McCarthy's girlfriend – now fiancée/NFL WAG – two years ago, Masters Girl, sad Kentucky fan in March, Caleb Williams' NFL Draft girlfriend last week and now this. 

What a time to be alive in this great country. What a way to end a series. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.