Washington, D.C. Mayor Makes Wildly Dumb Comment About Crime In The City
Muriel Bowser seems to think crime in Washington, D.C. might not actually be that bad.
The nation's capital often feels like a war zone, and it's downright terrifying at times just how scary and violent this city can be. It's so bad Secret Service is getting into shootouts with carjackers, 2023 was the deadliest year in decades, and while there might be some minor improvements, it's hard to believe anyone in D.C. is truly safe. Hell, I witnessed a gun battle so intense over Memorial Day weekend last year that it sounded like "Black Hawk Down" had been brought to my back door.
Yet, Bowser thinks the media is to blame for not reporting any minor uptick in safety.
Muriel Bowser makes dumb claim about D.C. crime.
"I know you all have been waiting. [The media] didn't report that we had over a week where violence was down. Homicide didn't happen. I know you didn't report that, but that's okay. I'll tell you," Bowser told the media in a video shared Monday by WUSA9's Lorenzo Hall when asked about violence in D.C.
You can watch the stunning clip below, and hit me with your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.
As you'd expect, people weren't overly impressed with her comment about possibly having one week where it wasn't a bloodbath and reacted accordingly.
A public official should never be celebrating a week decrease in violent crime. That's not something to applaud. It's simply a sign of just how bad things have gotten in America's capital.
I had to walk to meet someone last night, and I legit saw four different people who looked like zombies. I'm an adult male capable of taking care of myself and I pay attention to my surroundings. It still made me nervous. Now, imagine you're a small or elderly person.
You have no shot at all if D.C. criminals set their sights on you. Just rest easy knowing Muriel Bowser is calling out the media over a perceived lack of coverage over a tiny decrease in crime.

Washington, D.C. mayor Muriel Bowser makes tone-deaf comment on crime in the nation's capital. (Photo by Craig Hudson for The Washington Post via Getty Images)
I have no idea how to make Washington, D.C. safe again, but a good start might be to not take not-so-subtle shots at the media. How about actually making criminals scared again? Let me know what you think at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.