MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Drools Over Kamala Harris Speech In Predictably Embarrassing Live TV Moment

The left is just on Cloud 9 today, folks. The person they thought was an idiot one month ago, Kamala Harris, gave a speech last night after stealing the nomination from Joe Biden, and now they think she's the greatest thing since sliced bread. 

And if you think I'm being some overly-dramatic, hyperbolic, right-winger … you watch this Rachel Maddow clip where she acts like Kamala Harris' DNC speech was the second coming of Jesus Christ, and tell me I'm being the dramatic one. 

Hope you're sitting down with your seatbelts fastened and seats in the upright position, because this insufferable MSNBC flight is about to take OFFFFFF!

America reacts to Rachel Maddow's perfectly sane comments about Kamala Harris

My God. What an endorsement here from big Rach!

"You will remember where you were. The speech tonight from the vice president of the United States, Kamala Harris really introducing herself to the nation ... You are going to remember where you were on this night. This was an inflection point in history." 

Ah, yes. Of course. Let's try to cobble up a quick list of remember where you were moments, so we can add Kamala Harrris 2024 DNC speech to it, per Rachel Maddow's request. 

Obviously, this list will vary depending on your age:

- JFK shot (allegedly)

- Walking on the moon (fake news!)

- Challenger blowing up 

- Berlin wall? I dunno. Was that a big deal?

- OJ chase (thought for a second he was gonna be the guest speaker last night!)

- Sept. 11 (it's no Kamala Harris speech, but it's close)

- Red Sox breaking the curse (this one is regional, of course)

- Pats losing to the Giants in 2007 (see above)

 - LeBron's ‘decision’ (yuck)

- Trump telling Hillary ‘you’d be in jail' on debate night in 2016 (an all-time debate moment)

- Trump nearly getting his head blown off literally one month ago (although Rachel probably forgets about that)

- and, of course, Kamala Harris giving a speech. 

That's it. That's the list. It's an exclusive one, of course, but one that Rachel Maddow is proudly adding Kamala Harris to. Of course, she's more than deserving. 

The people voted for her time and time again this past primary season, and now, look at her! Rightfully up there, accepting the nomination at the DNC. What a story!

Democracy at it's finest, folks. 

OK, let's go to the comments to get a pulse on how America is feeling about Rachel's remarks:

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.