Motley Crue's Tommy Lee Blown Away By Australia's Cig Prices

Tommy Lee, a noted fan of Joe Biden and a Donald Trump hater, is furious over the price to smoke in Australia.

The Motley Crue drummer, who is on tour with the band Down Under on a tour that includes Def Leppard, stopped into a 7-Eleven over the weekend to get some smokes and got a big lesson in the Australian tax system while buying four packs of Marlboro Gold cigs.

His bill: $251.96 (AUS)

Based on current exchange rates, that's $160.81 USD for four packs. That's right, $40 and change per pack of smokes. According to the latest cig data across the United States, Tommy Lee, 61, was paying something around $10 per pack of Marlboros back home in California.

"🖕🏼👿🖕," Tommy wrote on Instagram.

Apparently, part-time political commentator Tommy Lee, who never misses a chance to take shots at Donald Trump, didn't do his homework on Australian tobacco tax law. In 2016, the Australian government raised its tobacco taxes to a level that has left a guy who has been known to smoke cigs through his nose stop and think about what he's paying.

Australia decided it would tax cigs to the point where people would stop smoking (through their noses) and it worked. By 2019, just 11% of Australians said they were daily smokers.

Hey Tommy, put this in your nose and smoke it: Taxes account for 65% of the cost of cigarettes in Australia. You'd think a tax-loving Biden voter like Tommy Lee would be cheering this news.

"Get someone real to run the country," Tommy Lee rambled on in 2020.

The bozo also threatened to leave the U.S. for the U.K. that year if Trump was reelected.

“Dude, I swear to God if that happens then I’m coming over to visit the U.K.,” Tommy Lee said at the time. “I’m out of here. I’ll go back to my motherland, go back to go Greece and get a house on one of the islands.”

Yeah, bro, I swear I will.

In true Hollywood fashion, Tommy Lee swears it's better everywhere but here. Count your blessings, big boy.

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Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKickā€™s Thursday Night Mowing League, Americaā€™s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.