Mom Tosses Raccoon Across Her Yard After It Attacked Her Daughter
Have animals come together to start attacking people as part of some conspiracy to take the earth back from humans? There are parts of the internet that might try to sell you on that.
If that's the kind of stuff you're looking for then keep digging. You're not there yet. This is the story of one heroic Connecticut mom who stepped in when her little girl was being attacked by a raccoon. She saves her daughter then tosses the raccoon across the yard.
A video of the wild front porch attack was captured on a camera and later shared on Facebook by the mom, Logan Kelsey MacNamara. In the video you can see the raccoon grab the little girl's leg. No matter how hard she tried, it refused to let go.
MacNamara responded to her daughter's screams and without hesitation jumped into action. She grabbed the raccoon by the neck and pulled off of her daughter's leg.
She is then heard yelling to her daughter, "Go inside, go inside!"
As MacNamara gets her daughter to safety the raccoon turns its attention to her. It grabs ahold of her hand and doesn't release its grip easily.
The Rabid Raccoon Was No Match For This Mom
As she struggles with the raccoon the hero mom manages to warn the neighbors. She is eventually able to free herself and tosses the possibly rabid raccoon across her front yard.
In a comment on the Facebook video, MacNamara says the two took a trip to the emergency room after the incident for rabies shots.
According to Geoff Krukar, a wildlife biologist for the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), the raccoon appeared to be sick. He praised the mom for her actions.
"The mother behaved in a way that was very heroic," Krukar said. "I think she did everything correctly by avoiding getting bit and warning the neighbor to stay back and getting the child to safety."
Some heroes wear capes, some heroes wear flannel button up shirts.