Miller Lite Officially Unseats Bud Light As The Beer Of Drunk Americans
Going out to the bars this weekend? Of course you are. Here's a tip: order two Miller Lites at a time, because they're flying off the shelves. Bud Light, meanwhile ...
Not so much.
The embattled brew that plastered Dylan Mulvaney on a can back in April sunk to fourth place in the Bar Brew War recently, according to the data site Union.
A report from the hospitality firm found that sales of Bud Light fell by a staggering 34% at high-volume bars and restaurants in this past second quarter. Miller Lite, meanwhile, skyrocketed nearly 21% into first place, followed by Michelob Ultra and Coors Light.
Great taste, less filling!
“Our on-premise ordering data shows that domestic beer brands are reaping the most benefits from the Bud Light fallout,” Layne Cox, the chief marketing officer at Union said.
“Modelo may have unseated Bud Light at retail, but at high-volume bars and restaurants it’s a different story.”

Bud Light sinks like a brick at bars across America
As someone who would've probably drank a Michelob Ultra if my bar didn't have Busch Light, I can attest to those numbers. I've been fully on the Miller Lite/Yuengling train for months now, but Miller is always available, so that one has been my go-to.
Tough news for Bud Light, which just can't catch a damn break!
Sales have plunged for a billion straight weeks, Modelo -- as noted above -- has overtaken it as the top-selling beer for the past two months, and experts fear things could get worse in the fall.
Sales of Yuengling and Miller, specifically, have skyrocketed since the Mulvaney fallout began in April -- at both retailers and bars.
Modelo has also been outselling Bud at retail stores since May, while its market share has grown to 8.1% year-to-date compared with Bud Light’s 8.5%.