Mexican Weather Girl Yanet Garcia Senses Competition From Martha Briano, A Mower You Won't Believe & Was Stalions A Plant?
Sleep apnea -- take it seriously
• Rory M., a longtime Screencaps reader shared this on Thursday:
I've posted this in other forums I frequent & want to spread it as far as I can. Got a call first thing Tuesday morning. My best friend since I was 14 years old passed away in the middle of the night at 39 years old. He had a sleep study scheduled for that morning.
He had other health issues that added it to it, but that is likely what took him from us at such a young age. He's the person who got me into golf in my 20s as he's loved the game since he was a little kid. I've spent the last couple years really trying to improve as he hasn't been able to play & would drag him out to the course to ride along as much as I could convince him to. Everyone in his family has told me how happy it made him seeing me get better and love it as much as he did.
Not sure what to do just yet, no longer having somebody I talked to every day. He wasn't a Screencaps reader, but I regularly sent him pics and videos I found here. He was pretty jealous the day I showed up to watch Masters Sunday this past April with a TNML sticker on my cooler, even though he didn't know what it was.
If any of you have sleep issues and are hesitant to move forward or get treatment, DON'T BE. It's preventable.
Plantar Fasciitis advice for those who are suffering like Canoe Kirk, whom I face on the golf course in two hours
• Pete in NC writes:
Longtime reader. Love the content and conversations, and it was foot pain that finally got me to send an email. If my experience is any indication then I have a feeling you’re getting a few emails on this topic.
Years ago I had a mild case of plantar fasciitis and one of those night time splints got me fixed up. Then, a couple years ago I developed a severe case. Both feet and nothing was working. I was really feeling it after Thursday night mows. To make a long story short…kinesiology tape worked wonders.
I followed the taping method in the video linked below (starts around the 1:30 mark). I had to wear the tape pretty much constantly (it will last for at least 2-3 days per application). After a couple months (did I mention it was a severe case) I was finally pain free. Your mileage my vary, but I’d recommend giving the KT tape a try. Hope that helps someone out there in this fine community you created.
And here is a recent NC sunset after a foot pain-free day of helping my 20-year old daughter move into an apartment.
• Deke writes:
Quick suggestion about this, and yes it sucks getting older and acquiring “old man complaining syndrome,” I fought plantar fasciitis last year and found that running shoes was the cure.
Well, a slow cure, but I did get better. Got my issue from cross fit and jogging. Tried everything suggested to me, and final my doctor told me that all the doctors/surgeons deal with this at one point or another, and they wear the most flexible running shoes they can get to prevent and treat.
Flexibility is the king in treating and preventing plantar fasciitis. Anyway, by the tenor of today’s lead-in, I’m guessing you don’t want to be part of this discussion but buck up and help a brother out with some good advice.
At least if you drop this dime on them, you can always come back with a good old fashion “I told you so.”
I'll be the nice guy and share this help with Canoe Kirk who is on a two-game winning streak over me on the golf course after I had two disastrous rounds on the recent Mid-Michigan golf trip.
What do airline pilots do all night on flights from Sydney, Australia to Los Angeles?
• John from Coronado explains:
That is the most frequent question long-haul commercial pilots get. Flight time between LAX and SYD averages roughly 13.6 hours. Only two of the four pilots are needed in the cockpit at any one time, except for takeoff and initial climb, and the last 45-60 minutes, which is approach and landing.
So that leaves about 12 hours, which is usually split into 4 three-hour break periods. During these break cycles, two of the pilots are aft of the cockpit, in a flight crew rest facility, that has two pretty comfortable bunks, and a chair, with lights, airflow, and first-class level blankets and pillows.
So, the short answer to your question is, we rest when not actively hand-flying the aircraft (which is usually just about 30-45 minutes of the flight, depending on the personal preference of the pilot at the controls). The pilots at the controls in the cockpit are actively monitoring the aircraft. This includes aircraft automation and route confirmation, fuel state and economy, en route, destination, and possible divert weather conditions, aircraft system's performance, and passenger comfort and service.
And we talk about all these things. And lots of other things.
You’d be amazed at the subjects, but mostly it’s the usual people things like family, sports, politics, culture, etc.
With a new acquaintance, (speaking as a Captain), I would start conversations by asking the First Officer what they did when they weren’t flying. The secret to good communication is getting the other person to talk about what they want to talk about.
After pilots get to know each other and fly with each other more frequently, the conversations go deeper. I sometimes think about the amount of marriage, child, and family “counseling” I’ve done with younger pilots when cruising along in the thin air over my 34-year career. Truthfully, like most jobs, the most rewarding aspect of my time flying, whether in the US Navy or at Delta, was the relationships that were formed and the experiences shared.
And I’d be lying if I denied that there was also a little bit of reading of non-flight-specific resources that was done in the cockpit during the slow, quiet moments of long transits.
I continue to be thankful for this community that you have fostered. Navy types will recognize this salute: Bravo Zulu!
On teams leaving your city and then winning championships
• Darren in McDonough says:
This is in response to Chris M in MD:
Sounds like we moved on a similar path. The Senators were my team too and Hondo (Frank Howard) was my favorite player.
Although I didn't make it to the last game, we went to plenty of others including bat day. (I used mine in a Little League game and broke it. My best friend's dad was the manager and promptly threw it into the woods behind the dugout. I retrieved it afterwards)
We also went on my brother’s birthday one year and he got a gift pack which included the following (not real autographs, unfortunately)
I also have a Dale Earnhardt story:
I got this autograph at an ATL airport hotel ballroom when Eli Gold used to host a Thursday night show before the Sunday Cup race.
I went unprepared with nothing to sign, so after the broadcast I “borrowed” the top of a coffee cup box that was on the stage. Eli was NOT very pleased with me (accused me of stealing!), but I sheepishly put down the rest of the box (and the mug), kept the autograph and gave it to my father (huge #3 fan).
• Hans in Arizona wants in on this discussion:
In response to Chris in MD wondering how we felt when our team moved away and had success, I can tell you growing up a Seattle Supersonics fan and seeing that weasel Howard Schultz selling them to that weasel Clay Bennett, I actively root against the OKC Thunder and Starbucks for that matter.
If they ever did win a title I would be so pissed!
A/C rebates
• Greg S. writes:
It was interesting reading John L's reporting on his A/C rebate. We should remember that the price increase for the A/C unit was caused by government overspending like the misnamed "Inflation Reduction Act". But now we are to feel good about a "rebate". The Biden administration just wants all of us fools to keep chasing that carrot.
Things I didn't see coming on a Friday night in November with the Middle East ready to explode, but this is why I leave the gas stuff to the experts
Beau from Toledo stops by on multiple topics
I had a one-on-one Zoom last week with a new OutKick editor and I told her how Screencaps has unique characters and how I leave messages on Beau emails alerting the editors that they are under strict orders to not touch a single letter Beau writes to me.
His emails are to remain raw, just as they were intended coming off his fingers on a Friday night.
99.9% of the media outlets wouldm't allow unfiltered -- unless you start dropping f-bombs and then I have to step in -- emails to be posted with all sorts of unusual grammar techniques.
Because Screncaps zigs when the others zag, in the case of Beau, I want the content 100% RAW.
You're fortunate. Last night, Beau was in the mood to write.
• Beau in Toledo, who uses jet fuel in his mower to piss off the likes of Flora Cardoni, reports (EDITORS: PUT DOWN YOUR EDITING PEN. THIS ONE IS CLEAN!):
Hey Joe!!
Trying to keep it Saturday Short.
#TeamSunRiseSunSetMoonLightWhatever here... If You get to see Any of Them, revel in Their Own Individual Glory. (PICS: Rise was over a construction site in the old NorthTowne Mall area this week, Set was last year from a LadyFriend at Maumee Bay State Park, and the MoonHalo was last Spring).
No one loses this one, except maybe the memory cards on our devices...
Keep the pics rolling in just the same!!!!!
Fonbire Pits... yeah, it's a redneck build, but I prefer the "rustic" moniker... doing some "speed composting" this week...
That Stand-Up leaf blower?!? If It's got a cupholder that will fit a Yeti tumbler full of Yuengling Light, i'm in!! But you'll never get me to give up the LeafVacc'ing FrankenMower!
Speaking of The FrankenMower... There seems to be a thing regarding cereal boxes, I hear... I thought some authentication was necessary, hence the pic.
(RE: I know a Guy... He pulled those NEVER BEEN PUT INTO THE PRODUCTION LINE flats straight from the pallet that was in a certain facility that made Wheaties in Toodle-e-doo... (I LOVE YOU POP!!!) )
Yes, They're PRICELESS to me.
I *do* have one extra one, if a certain ScreenCaps writer would like one for His basement...
Anywho, gonna stir that fonbire and reverse head-butt a pillow...
Enjoy that extra hour of whatever the hell you'll do with it this weekend!!
#TeamKeepDLST just because!
While it's a huge honor to have Beau offer one of his cherished Dale cereal boxes, I have to stay true to my word that I'm in liquidation mode. I cannot accept a Dale cereal box and go back on my word to myself in this difficult time when I'm tired of going up and down into the attic.
I'm just honored that Beau saw the cereal box Twitter embed and keyed in on that topic. That's a huge win for this column.
• Mike McC. reports:
Tonight’s (Friday) sunset in the Connecticut hills
• David P in New Braunfels, TX writes:
Joe, can’t claim this as my own but have some land out there. Love it.
• Carl L in NOLA says:
Love your column. Late to the conversation but I'm sunset guy. However, attached are sunrise over Kilimanjaro (I summited it in 2005), sunset for Friday night high school ball and my favorite - sunset on Maui.
• Joel H. sent this last night as I was doing Screencaps prep work and watching football:
Snapped this on our way home from our neighbor's 80th Birthday party. Sunset at Prairie Dunes.
• Myron B. reports:
Generally a sunset guy because sunrise comes to early. Picture below is a Northern Wisconsin sunset on 94 headed to Minneapolis St. Paul.
As to favorite bars I suggest folks drive to Gay, Michigan and try the Gay bar. Beautiful drive, good lunches and an interesting T-shirt. If not that far I recommend the Ambassador Bar in Houghton. They have ceiling paintings from the 1920s and amazing pizza. Of course if you are in Houghton and enjoy beer, go the the Keweenaw Brewing Company and enjoy their offerings. I don't imbibe myself but friends who do enjoy the ales.
I am celebrating 71 rotations around the sun this month and am glad to report no pain worth discussing, foot or otherwise. Attribute that to good genes, I have done nothing special.
Just for the record, you are ahead of me in total snow fall for the year but I suspect that will change soon.
• G in IL writes:
Confirmed sunset guy here.
This time of year, the sun sets a lot earlier than it does in summer (sadly) – which means my nearly 2-year-old is still not in bed for the night @ sunset. He notices the colors out the window and says ‘sunset’…. and we run over to the window to check it out. We get some beautiful near sunset colors in this area this time of year.
Hits me in the feels every time when he says ‘sunset’! One of those things that I know won’t last forever, but just a good reminder to stop and enjoy those simple things.
• Matt in Oscoda, MI writes:
I took these while doing a little evening fishing on Foote Pond, one of the impoundments on the Au Sable River in northeast lower Michigan.
A few minutes after snapping the bottom one I boated a 4-pound smallmouth who came out of the water to hammer my top water jitterbug. About 30 minutes after that I was sitting next to a warm fire, a warm woman, and a cold beer.
Scenes like this are the reason we put up with January winters up here.
• John from SD sent this one in very late last night:
SoCal Sunset
Went to the first round of local HS SoCal playoffs football game tonight. Last teenager is a senior this year. Local team won. It’s amazing how fast it’s done. For all the younger screencapers with kids, enjoy the younger years. It’s ends too fast!
• From John H. in Botswana
• From Joe S. in Franklin, TN:
• Mark in Jefferson, GA seems to be a new reader. I don't remember his email in the past. He writes:
I've been busy at work, so I'm late to the game here, but we are team sunrise. After all, we're getting up in age. Here's one from Popcorn Overlook in North Georgia that looks like the Nazis just opened the Ark of the Covenant across the valley.
Of course, we'll settle for a good sunset. I've included one from Canyonlands National Park that literally brought me to tears in real life. Tried to capture the Mesa layers in the distance but really didn't do it justice.
#TeamSunrise AND #TeamSunset
• Ryan in Nolensville, TN writes:
Here are a couple that might be worthy. Sunset and Sunrise the next day. Lake Huron, Killarney Ontario Canada. Annual fishing trip. Love Screencaps!
• Mike T. had a nice Friday night out back:
• Dan G. wants in on this team:
Joe, the poor man's Solo Stove is the tub from an old washing machine. Lightweight and portable. Stack some pavers around it for a fire pit, or take it camping.
That's it this morning. I thought for sure the sunrise/sunset thing would flame out in a couple of days, but now I've lost track of how many emails have come in on the topic. They just keep rolling in and now it's starting to become a real-time tradition out of many of you.
It's 7:50 a.m. as I type this which means I should expect emails in the next 20 minutes. It's incredible.
While it's been nice to get so many emails and watch the readership take ownership of this column, it's been even more enjoyable to see so many new emailers. It's also nice to hear so many of you mention starting your day with this column.
As the OutKick Audience Engagement Officer, that is my job. You might be a Screencaps reader while others might be looking for the latest from the NFL writers or the college football guys. And we want you interacting with the writers and the talent.
Dan Dakich now has a hotline you can call: 929-687-3941. Tell him he's an idiot. Ask him questions. Interact.
Are you trying to get in touch with someone else? Let me know.
The key here is to interact. Join the Screencaps Facebook Group. Be heard. See something, say something. We're all ears.
Have an incredible weekend. I'll be back Monday morning.