Masked Lunatic Hunts Down Woman For Driving A Tesla

Imagine driving down a road one day and some idiot attacks you because of the type of car you drive. One woman in Washington experienced that unfortunate circumstance for driving a Tesla.

Leftist lunatics meltdown every time they see a Tesla because they (wrongly) believe that the company’s CEO - Elon Musk - is a Nazi. This all stems from when he spoke at a victory party celebrating Donald Trump’s presidential win and did what progressives thought was a Nazi salute.

Because leftist whackos have nothing better to do with their time, they’ve started blowing up Teslas across the country in a new low for this breed of people. Now, they are stooping to an even lower level of degeneracy by attacking the people driving those cars.

On Wednesday, a man in a ski mask drove his SUV past a woman named Leigh, who wanted not to be identified beyond that in her story. She was in Lynnwood, WA driving her Tesla, when the man sped past her, pulled over in the middle of the road, and got out to confront her.

Leigh, a mother, tells the rest of the story:

"He gets out and walks straight up to my door window. So I cracked my window and I said, ‘What? What is the problem?’" she recalled. "He goes, ‘You need to sell your car. This is a Nazi car. You're driving it, you need to sell your car,’" she said.

Leigh continued: "I could only see his eyes. He also had a large bag in front of him and baggy clothes. I had no idea if I was safe or not. It certainly felt very threatening and harassing," Leigh said. 

Talk about being a scumbag. What would possess you to confront a woman in the middle of the road for that reason? Musk is not a Nazi, and nor is Leigh for driving the car.

Leigh said that she bought the car two years ago because it was convenient for her family and she wanted to minimize the environmental impact her car had.

"Just really sad that this is what's happening to people," she said. "Honestly, it doesn't affect how I believe or what I believe—it's just the car I drive."

Attacking cars and people because you believe a lie about Musk is insane behavior. It’s time for it to stop.

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John Simmons graduated from Liberty University hoping to become a sports journalist. He’s lived his dream while working for the Media Research Center and can’t wait to do more in this field with Outkick. He could bore you to death with his knowledge of professional ultimate frisbee, and his one life goal is to find Middle Earth and start a homestead in the Shire. He’s still working on how to make that happen.