Married Woman Wants A Divorce Because Her Husband Insists That Her Boobs Are Fake

Of all the ridiculous reasons for a divorce, this might take the cake. Although, if this is going to drive a wedge between them, maybe they are better off going their separate ways.

As with all matters involving relationships and marriage, the court of public opinion is the place to start. This wife is no dummy, that's why she took her case to Reddit.

The 30-year-old explains that she and her husband, after 10 years of wedded bliss, have started having problems. The reason their relationship has soured is due to her husband insisting that her boobs are fake.

She admits that she has fairly large boobs, "38G to be specific." She also admits that she's put on some weight over the years. But that's not what has raised her husband's suspicions.

Her husband has "been getting into more shows about spouses lying to their partners about things." He's taken note of some scars she has and drawn conclusions about where she got them.

That's when the allegations about a boob job started to fly. Her husband is convinced she had them done and is a liar for not telling him about it.

Call me crazy, but that doesn't sound to me like a reason to get upset. If the worst thing that has ever happened during your marriage is that your wife went and got a boob job without telling you, then you're probably doing okay.

Sadly, these two don't see it that way. An argument escalated to the point where she left the house and took the cats. Not the cats. You know it's serious when she takes the cats.

Allegations of a boob job should never come between a husband and wife

She went to a friend's house. The friend was on her side, of course, and called the husband to give her a piece of her mind. Her husband's mother is also on her side.

For those keeping score at home, that's one cat lady, her friend, and her mother-in-law against the husband in the fake boob dispute. Certainly there's someone on his side, right?

In fact there is. Her husband’s father also believes that she went under the knife in secret. The score's a little closer now, but it's 3-2 cat lady at this very moment.

After storming off with the cats, she eventually agreed to go back home. She said her husband had a simple request to put the whole thing behind them, "He said he'd forgive me if I just admit that they were fake."

She once again tried to get it through his thick skull. They're real. She told him, "You've seen me when I was skinny and could tell it was because of my weight gain."

When that wasn’t convincing enough, and he continued to pester her about it, she then tossed out the idea of getting a divorce. He didn't like it and tried to get her to change her mind.

It was too late, she had had enough, and she had made up her mind. She wants a divorce, but first felt the need to turn to a forum to find out if she had made the right decision.

So, did she? There's no doubt about it, but not because he insisted that her boobs were fake. She made the right decision because he's an idiot.

Choose your own adventure on that. There are several reasons why he earned that title. At the top of that list would be getting upset in the first place.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.