Married Woman: Am I The A**hole For Telling Husband's Friend I Hope He Enjoyed The View After He Saw My Boobs

A photo shoot at the beach sounded like a really good idea. That was until a friend of the woman's husband accidentally walked in on her changing in a bathroom.

That can lead to some awkwardness going forward that's really hard to shake. Unless, of course, you try to lighten the mood with an innocent joke.

Unfortunately, the joke didn't sit well with the woman's husband, and now she's on Reddit asking if she's an a**hole. Let's see how this all played out before jumping to any conclusions here.

"My husband and his friend are photographers so we decided to do a photoshoot at the beach last night," the apparent married model explained.

"We went into a Starbucks so that I could change in the bathroom, I forgot to lock the door, and his friend accidentally walked in on me, saw my boobs, and immediately closed the door."

She described the moment as embarrassing, and she was initially annoyed by it. That was until she realized that this was an honest mistake on her husband's friend's part. He just so happened to walk in while she was getting changed, and she just so happened to leave the door unlocked.

The woman's husband didn't like the flirty tone of the joke she used to lighten the mood

"I came out after getting changed and the friend was apologizing profusely, clearly he felt really bad so to lighten the atmosphere I told him that it was totally okay, and I hope that he at least enjoyed the view, at which point he blushed and I laughed," she continued.

There you go, a mood-shifting joke to reset everything and move forward with just a little bit less awkwardness. Not so fast. Her husband wasn't a big fan of her comedic timing.

"When we got home after, my husband started telling me how upset he was that I was such a flirt, and that I was acting so chill about another man seeing and even hoping that he'd like my boobs. I apologized and told him I'd just been trying to loosen up the mood."

She wrapped it all up with an "AITAH?" bow and let the experts weigh in. The overwhelming sentiment from those in the comments is that she is indeed an a**hole for her "flirting and fishing for compliments" joke.

My take on the situation is slightly different. I'm putting the blame on the husband's friend here. He's getting the blame for one walking in on her changing and two for making a big deal about it.

If you walk in on your buddy's wife changing, even if you see her boobs, you proceed as if you never saw anything. A quick apology, close the door, and never speak of it again.

If she brings it up, it's on her, and you insist you saw nothing. Let me know what you think. Who's to blame here? Is it the wife or the friend?

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.