Married Mom: Should I Tell My Husband About The Adult Scene I Shot 20 Years Ago?

A married mom is constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop after shooting an adult scene 20 years ago and never telling her husband about it.  It was before they were together, but she's been worried ever since that it would one day pop up again and he would find out.

That day might be as close as it's ever been.  The scene has popped back up on the internet and this has sent the mom searching for answers on how she should proceed.

The now 38-year-old mother of two explains that she didn't intend to shoot the scene.  She was 18 at the time and there to support her friend, but says "when she chickened out at the last minute I stepped in and did it."

She immediately regretted her decision and when she saw the clip, which is about 30 minutes long, on the internet, she regretted shooting the scene even more.  It was making the rounds at the time on post-Napster file sharing sites.

Then the clip seemed to have disappeared.  Nobody, other than that one friend, knew about it and she thought she was in the clear.

A few years after shooting the scene, she met her husband and never told him about it.  Up until now, it's been a constant state of waiting for someone to find it.

"I was ashamed and prayed that he would never find out.  He never did and we’ve been married for 15 years and have two children together," she shared on Reddit.  "He is the love of my life and he satisfies me in every way."

The Married Mom's Scene Has Resurfaced On One Of The More Popular Adult Sites

The married mom says she's been frequently checking adult sites for the clip.  Then it happened.  She found it.  The clip has unfortunately resurfaced recently on one of the more popular sites, and she's "now terrified that someone will find it."

She added, "It could be someone that my husband works with or a friend of my daughters.  I’m just terrified."

That's where she turns it over for advice from the Reddit community.  She said, "My question is, should I finally come clean and tell my husband?"

She's not worried that he'll leave her if he finds out.  He knows that she "was rather promiscuous" before they met and that she's done some crazy things before they met.

That said, "this is the one thing I never told him.  It’s the thing I am most ashamed of and I don’t want him to ever see it.  And that is what is preventing me from telling him, because I don’t want him to see it."

The biggest reason she doesn't want him to see the scene is attached to the man she shot it with.  She's worried that it might make her husband feel insecure.

"So what do I do?  Should I just roll the dice and pray he never finds it or just come clean?"

Where's the fun in coming clean?  If she was going to do that, she should have done it a long time ago.

She's 20 years in on the secret right now.  Rolling the dice for another, however long before her husband eventually finds out, is the way to go in my opinion.

There's excitement with not knowing if today is the day or not.  You can't buy that with all the money in the world.  Are you team mature and come clean?  Or team adventure and fun by rolling the dice?

Let me know what you think at

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.