Married Couples Reveal Secrets, Answers Are Pure Nightmare Fuel *SEEK HELP*
Don't ask married couples what secrets they're hiding unless you're reading to be shocked.
I was down my usual Reddit rabbit hole - drinking a different beverage than coffee this time - when I discovered a thread that had me regretting paying the internet bill:
Couples revealing things they won't tell their spouse.
Reddit thread about couples keeping secrets goes viral.
No matter what you think is coming with this thread, I can promise you it's going to be worse. With that warning in mind, I suggest you pour a drink, dive in and hit me with your thoughts at
- I wish our sex drives were more matched
- I'm not disappointed in you, you're disappointed in you. And I can't solve that for you.
- That she should have been more honest with me about her values, attitude, and interests before we got married and had a kid, rather than just behaving in a way to make me happy.
- I wish you could say no to your parents, its going to kill you from stress.
- That he speaks pseudo Chinese in his sleep every night and it’s honestly intriguing
- Sometimes I just give up talking, as I know I'm going to be talked over and interrupted. I've given up trying to talk to her about my health, as she doesn't believe me anyway.
- Sometimes i just truly wish he'd stop talking. Please silence is allowed.
- I wish you had not broken my trust, I have not been able to love you after that.
- That I hope I die first (and think/assume I will, eventually), because I cannot bear the thought of living in this world without her in it.
- That she chews like an a**hole. Either that or I have misophonia.
- That I’m about to leave. The constant neglect he does and no effort has broken me down. I’ve conversed many times about not getting my needs met but yet, nothing has changed.
- wish my wife would stop complaining . All she does is find the negative in any situation and just complain . It’s literally all she’s capable of is complaining about something . There’s a time and place for problems /complaints but literally every word out of her mouth is some problem /complaint (which I end up giving her several solutions only to be ignored ) . It’s exhausting and it’s killing me .
- That mug you broke was my favourite and the replacement you got is nothing like it.
- That I don’t believe I’ll ever love him the way I did before the betrayal.
- I wasted another 8 years after finding out. I wish I would have spent that time healing instead of fighting for something that was already gone.
- We’re not as intelligent as I thought we were
- That I really wish she would commit strongly to developing into her best self.
- That his mom is not a safe person and I do not trust her around my daughter.
- "I was young" as well. It's a sh*t excuse for how you treated me, because we're the same f*cking age.
- That parents aren’t perfect/Gods, and if they constantly remind you of the sacrifices they made for you, it may mean they need you more than they truly love you. It’s absolutely okay to disappoint them and choose a life that feels right for you. You only have one life, so live it for yourself, not to please your parents.
- That she didn't have that attitude when I married her, and if she did, then I wouldn't have
- That he sucks at managing money that's why he's always in debt and that I hate his family because they made me miserable.
- Men also need affection. Not just sex, but physical touch on the regular. I don't initiate because I don't feel wanted.
- The fact I protect her from so much chaos that is happening in our lives and how it’s killing me. Everytime life gets hard she looks to me to solve the issues for our family and as a husband I take pride in being able to provide, but I have no one to turn to to help me in return and that is affecting my mental health
- That I have largely lost my patience and empathy for her mental health struggles.
- That sex with her is important to me and it makes me feel guilty that she "never has the urge" anymore. I love giving her warm squishy cuddles too, that's not just me trying to initiate sexy time. I'm 45 I didn't think I'd be sexually retired this early in life
- His family is a bunch of bullies. Each and every one of them. Different flavours and some of them know how to hide it well, but that's what they are. That my husband was not depressed, he was just hiding form constant criticism, nitpicking, interrogation and overt or covert anger. He thinks his family are all saints. Truth is, they are the most toxic people I have ever met and I come from a very bad family to begin with.
- That her touch doesn't comfort me anymore, that the years of resentment have done so much damage to our relationship that i don't think it can be fixed...
- That I wish he’d play less video games and take his responsibilities more seriously and get his sh** together
- We have very little sex because it’s just too vanilla.
Many people in this thread need to seek help. Not a low level of help. Real concrete help because much of this comes off as a cry for help.
Here's another newsflash for everyone out there. If your life sucks and your relationships suck, it's only on you and other people directly involved.
You know what you can do? Put one foot in front of the other and walk away. That might sound harsh, but trust me, I'm giving you the advice of a lifetime with that statement. You can either improve your situation or complain about it online.
What do you want to do? It should be an easy decision.
What do you think about the thread? Let me know at Can't wait to hear your thoughts.