Mark Cuban, Who Is In The Terminal Stages Of 'Trump Derangement Syndrome,' Debuts New Look With Rachel Maddow

One of the most perplexing billionaires on this planet – Mark Cuban – went on Rachel Maddow's insufferable MSNBC show last night and sent the internet into a tailspin. 

Not because he made some astute points – he did not, don't worry. And not because he sounded like someone in the terminal stages of Trump Derangement Syndrome – he did, and he is, but that's not the point here. 

No, the point is this: Mark debuted a new look that grabbed the internet by the balls and refused to let go. It appears Mark has begun his final transition, boys and girls. Can't tell who he looks like here. Can you?

Mark Cuban is well on his way

Ah, yes! There it is! He looks like every other unhinged lefty on this planet! Nailed it. Now, some will also argue that Mark looks like Rachel Maddow. I can see that as well. Rosie, Rachel, Keith – they're all one and the same at this point, anyway. 

PS: what an awful, and I mean AWFUL, collection of humans to be stuck in the same room with for any extended period of time. Could you imagine? Death. I'd literally rather death. 

Anyway, there are also plenty of folks drawing the obvious comparisons to Mark and your stereotypical lesbian. The real-life kind, not the movie kind. Plenty of folks are saying that. Not me, of course, but others. 

You know Kamala's internals are in the shitter when the Dems bring in Mark Cuban to start making the rounds weeks before election day. The guy was everywhere yesterday. Maddow, of course, but also – inexplicably – First Take. As if you needed another reason not to watch that garbage show. 

But this Maddow performance took the cake. It was peak Mark – unhinged, off his rocker, and so out of touch that you almost thought it was a bit. 

Same with Rachel, who is seemingly confused as to why Donald J. Trump would want to go after fellas like Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos. Gee, Rach and Mark – I wonder why! 


Oh well. We're not here to mock. 

Just kidding! Rolllll tape:

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.