An early Wednesday morning armed robbery attempt at a Yuma, Arizona Chevron station didn't go as planned for the scumbags who planned on pulling a heist. Store surveillance video released by the Yuma County Sheriff's Office shows a store customer appearing to talk to a Chevron worker as two suspects enter the front door with one holding a handgun.What the criminals didn't know is that the customer was a Marine Corps veteran and had no intentions of being turned into a crime victim."The armed suspect walked next to a store customer while pointing the weapon toward the cashier when the customer acted immediately and disarmed him. The other two suspects fled the area when they witnessed their fellow criminal stopped. The customer was able to detain the suspect he disarmed until law enforcement arrived," the YCSO said in a press release. When asked by police how he managed to take control of the armed robber so quickly, the man stated, "The Marine Corps taught me not to around.”It turns out that the armed robber was a juvenile who was sent to the Yuma County Juvenile Justice Center on one count of armed robbery and an aggravated assault charge.