Man Sends Financial Dominatrix Thousands To Get A Pedicure & Takes It One Step Further

Many people hope to achieve a level of financial success that allows them to care for their loved ones without having to worry about having the resources necessary to do so.

Some are fortunate enough to make that happen.

Others hope they reach a point where they have enough money in the bank to throw away on strangers on the internet.  This is one of those touching stories.

It features an Australian influencer by the name of Minki Minna who first got interested in being a financial dominatrix thanks to a podcast.  A guest was discussing the topic, and she found it intriguing.

"I was like, ‘oh my god what is this?’  She was talking about how men would pay her to bully them and they would get off on it," the 23-year-old said, according to

Once she started selling content online, things naturally went in that direction.  An opportunity was presented to her and she took it.

Minna said, "I had people asking me for all kinds of requests and then someone asked me if I would do 'findom.'  I said absolutely and it went from there."

Minki Minna Is A Responsible Financial Dominatrix Who Isn't Here To Judge

Before selling content on the internet, Minna was a broke college student, making ends meet working as a boxing ring girl.  A colleague told her about the money they were making and she signed up.

She started promoting her new line of work on social media and built up a following.  Before she knew it, she was making decent money and receiving bizarre requests, including taking over wealthy clients' bank accounts.

Minna's not heartless, she makes sure they have enough money before she takes over an account.  Those who don't give her access to their accounts pay for normal things like her pouring chocolate sauce in her hair.  That costs a reasonable $1,000.

One of her more unique requests came from a man who gave her $3,700 to get a pedicure.  He chose the color her nails were painted in and also wanted her to film herself clipping her nails and mailing the clippings to him.

"That was definitely a unique one.  I have seen it all.  There’s not really anything at this stage that someone could say to me to give me pause," she said.  "I also pride myself on not kink shaming.  Everyone’s into something."

If you're going to pride yourself on anything, I always say not kink shaming is the way to go.  As she says, everyone is into something.  Not to mention dropping almost $4k for a pedicure and nail clippings doesn't sound all that odd.  

What's the point of being extremely wealthy if you can't treat yourself every now and again?

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.