Man Says He Accidentally Got In The Shower With His Mother-In-Law

There are tons of mother-in-law horror stories out there. Most have to do with an overbearing mother that likes to extend her love to her child's spouse more than is comfortable for the person on the receiving end.

This isn't one of those stories. If the mother-in-law in this situation is one that this married man can't stand, he didn't mention it at all.

Maybe out of embarrassment about the situation he found himself in or the simple fact that he gets along with her. Whatever the reason, he stuck to the shower story.

The man started out his story by explaining that he and his wife have been living together for almost 4 years. He travels a lot for work and when he gets home after a week on the road, the two of them can't keep their hands off of each other.

Starting the story off by bragging about the fact that he and his wife have sex is an interesting strategy. One that I'm going to fully recognize by congratulating him on. Well done sir, congratulations.

He confessed on Reddit about a recent trip that took a turn once he arrived home. He said, "When I landed at the airport and got off the plane, I let my wife know I'm on my way and in her naughty voice she replied with ‘I'll be waiting for you.’"

That was the green light that he thought meant he was going to receive his normal welcome home. When he got home, he heard music blasting and the shower running. His wife likes to blast music in the shower, so he thought it was an open invitation to join her.

Accidentally joining your mother-in-law in the shower isn't an ideal way to start things off after a business trip

"As I got home I heard the loud music coming from the bathroom. I immediately got aroused and made my way to the bathroom, undressing like a horny teen leaving my clothes all over the place," he explained.

"I slowly open up the shower door and as I did it my mother-in-law turned around. I immediately apologized and ran out butt naked as she continued to scream at me."

His mother-in-law, it turns out, also enjoys loud music in the shower, and his wife failed to tell him that she was over using the shower because of an issue with the water pipes at her own house. Whoops, apparently that had slipped her mind.

His wife took the news better than either of them did. He added, "My wife heard the screaming... She put one and one together and broke down laughing."

Now the poor guy who thought his wife had put together an elaborate welcome home party for the two of them says he can't sleep after joining his mother-in-law in the shower ready for action.

He isn't sure what to do now. His mother-in-law left the house without saying a word to him. The way I see it, he has a couple of options here and neither of them involve facing this head on like an adult.

That's completely out of the question. He can leave for his next business trip and never return again, or he can proceed as if nothing ever happened. Never mention it ever again.

Don't even talk about anything related to a bathroom or shower around his mother-in-law for as long as she is alive and well. Those are the only options here.

If he and his wife enjoy each other's company as much as he claims they do, he'll opt to carry on with his life as if nothing ever happened. It's the least complicated and the one I would personally recommend.

I wish him all the luck in the world.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.