Man Professes His Love For His Ex-Girlfriend & Leaves The Door Open For Reconciliation After She Shot Him In The Testicle

If you thought that being shot by an ex would put a permanent end to a relationship you've never experienced true love before. At least not the type of true love that Charlie Glenn has.

The 49-year-old Ohio man recently took a walk with his ex-girlfriend, 36-year-old Tonya Nester, that ended with him taking a bullet to the testicle. Following a trip to the hospital, he not only said he still loved his ex, but he left the door open for a possible reconciliation.

Glenn said Nestor asked him to take a walk with her and as he did he noticed that his ex was in possession of a pistol. When confronted about the weapon, she allegedly told him it was a pellet gun before pulling it out and shooting him.

"She said it was a pellet gun, and I said, 'Let me see it because I'm not going anywhere with you if you got a gun,' and she pulled it out and shot me," Glenn told FOX 19.

Police say that after being shot Glenn was able to take the gun away from Nester. His family members then called 911.

"She pulled the pistol out and shot me, and I proceeded to take the pistol from her at that point and got her down," Glenn said. "My family members called 911 because I was shot and bleeding."

All Things Considered Being Shot In The Testicle Isn't The Worst Thing That Could Have Happened

Nester, who is on medication for a mental disability according to Glenn, then decided it was a good idea to flee the scene and took off. Police eventually found her at house about a half a mile from where she shot Glenn.

During the 911 call Glenn can be heard describing the wound. He said when asked if he had just one wound, "One shot but I think it went through my testicle into my butt cheek and out."

When asked by reporters, who showed up at his door after he returned home from the hospital, if he wanted to say anything to his ex or if he wanted an apology he replied, "No. I don't expect nothing from her.

"I still to this day love her. And if she ever gets better..."

Nestor was charged with felonious assault for shooting Glenn in the testicle. He's expected to make a full recovery and something tells me these could cross paths again one day.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.