Man Exposes His Wife's Affair In Front Of Friends & Family At 10-Year Anniversary Dinner

What was supposed to be a joyous evening for a couple celebrating their 10-year anniversary with close friends and family turned into an absolute disaster.

The couple, in their 30s, made it to the 10-year mark in their marriage. This was a moment that required a fancy dinner with others to celebrate. The evening started off perfectly.

Everyone was having a great time until the husband "noticed my wife acting weird with her phone." Then it happened, he took a glance over and saw a message that read, "Good night, babe."

He didn’t recognize the name that was sending his wife of 10 years such a message. The husband formulated a plan. He admitted on Reddit, "I excused myself, went to the restroom, and did something I probably shouldn’t have—I checked her phone."

She had left the phone on her coat, which was hanging from a chair. One could argue he broke some trust by doing so, but there was probable cause given the message he had just observed.

That's when he got the confirmation he needed. His wife is having an affair with a coworker named "Mark." Everything was there. He said, "Explicit texts, plans to meet up, even complaints about me."

The husband decided to expose the affair at the anniversary dinner in front of friends and family

He went back to his seat, understandably furious with what he had just learned, and went for it. This wasn’t waiting until they got home.

"Instead of confronting her privately, I stood up, tapped my glass, and said, ‘I just want to thank everyone for coming to celebrate our love. And a special thanks to Mark for keeping my wife entertained when I’m not around.’ Then I walked out," he said.

"She’s been crying and saying I humiliated her. Our friends are split—some say she deserved it, others think I went too far. So, AITAH?"

That's quite the spin zone by his wife and some of their friends. Exposing the affair at their anniversary dinner is too far?

Come on, she gets caught cheating with a coworker and tries to flip the fact that he exposed the affair in front of their close friends and family back on him.

You're out at your anniversary dinner. Put the phone on silent and don’t get caught looking at messages from your boyfriend. Show some respect.

You're a married woman, and you've managed to make it this far without getting caught. Out at dinner with your husband, your friends, and your family isn’t the time to get sloppy. Clean it up.