Even if you've never had a sex doll girlfriend (this is s a judgment-free zone) you know that the most awkward moment of the whole courtship is introducing her to your parents. Who knows how they'll react to this unusual arrangement? Although, it's safe to say that "beaming with pride" will not be one of the possible outcomes. An Australian man took the plunge and brought his factory-made gal pal to meet his mother. The man is only referred to as "Rod" in reports. That's not his real name, and you can understand why he wants to fly under the radar. He and his sex doll, named Karina, like to enjoy some level of privacy. Rod's fiance broke up with him a while back and decided to go a different route and he started chatting with a woman from Vietnam. COVID made it impossible for them to get together, so Rod decided to pony up $3,000 for Karina. "The doll became my synthetic physical companion. I had something to care for in my life. I thought it would be a fun experience, and I needed a hobby to distract me from my isolation,' Rod said. Most people who say they need a hobby start putting together model train sets or mountain biking. Rod bought a sex doll. Again; this is a judgment-free zone... but it's getting a lot harder not to judge. Rod And His Sex Doll Gal Pal, Karina, Hit The Road According to Mammmia, last Christmas, Rod decided it was time his mom met Karina. He tossed her in the car (or perhaps strapped her to the roof rack) and made the long drive from his home in New South Wales, Australia, to his mom's place in Melbourne. According to the New York Post, it took Rod's 85-year-old mother some time to warm up to Karine. That makes sense, try giving an octagenarian an iPad or a new TV remote and they're completely bewildered. Have their son show up with his sex doll girlfriend and it's probably a one-way ticket to the home. Not Rod's mom, she warmed up to Karine and was soon picking out jewelry and clothing for her potential sex doll-in-law. “In the end, she warmed up – it was like a long lost daughter – she really got into it,” he said. In short, she handled the situation shockingly well. So well, in fact, that Rod was emboldened to double down. He added another synthetic woman to the equation. He bought another sex doll, Lauren for $2,900, and Rod had himself a fleet of sex dolls. But, remember, this is a hobby. Rod wound up getting engaged to the woman he was talking to from Vietnam. “She accepted my hobby after some time, and often would help me with some advice,” he said. Rod now spends a lot of time posing his dolls and taking pictures of them for Karina's Instagram page. He even inked a deal to take photos for a Chinese sex doll manufacturer's promotional materials. It's always nice when you can monetize your hobby. Because, again, that's what this is; a hobby. Follow on Twitter: @Matt_Reigle