Man Who Blew $14K On Ultra-Realistic Dog Costume Likely Having History's Biggest Case Of Buyer's Remorse
I'm prone to bouts of buyer's remorse, but that usually has to do with a pair of sunglasses or a new guitar; not an elaborate $14,000 dog costume, but that's what one man is experiencing right now.
You may remember this guy. His name is Toco and he's a cosplayer from Japan. Cosplaying, for the uninitiated, is just wearing costumes not on Halloween.
Anyway, Toco is otherwise anonymous from friends, family, and coworkers. You'd want to be anonymous too though if you coughed up $14,000 for an ultra-realistic dog costume that made him look like a collie.
He went viral when he threw the costume on and went for his first walk in 2023.
Toco got a lot of flack because… well, you saw the video; but he argued that this was his hobby and it made him and others happy.
Fine, whatever.
However, like most hobbies, Toco has already given it up, and I'm sure his dog costume is buried in the back of his closet under the paraphernalia from other short-lived hobbies of his, like a skateboard, drumset, and bee-keeping equipment.

Toco's dog era may have ended, but he hasn't learned his lesson. (Getty Images)
Toco Is Done With Dogs, But He's Not A Quitter
According to Daily Mail, Toco has decided that being a dog is for the dogs and has called it quits when he realized that bipedal humans weren't built to crawl around on all fours like a dog.
"Dogs and humans have different bone structures and the way they bend their legs and arms, so it's very difficult to make movements that look like this," he told Japan's WanQol.
It's unclear why he needed to spend thousands of dollars on a dog costume to have this epiphany, but while it was an ugly road, he got her eventually.
However, he has plans to dress up like some other animals.
"I might realistically be able to become another dog, a panda or a bear," he said. "A fox or a cat would also be nice, but they are too small for humans to try."
I've got to hand it to Toco: the man is determined. Most of us would buy one elaborate animal costume for the price of a used car, and if it didn't work out, that'd be the end of it.
Not Toco. The dude is going to dress up like a creepily realistic animal no matter the cost or permanent physical damage.
You've got to respect… or not.
Let's all wish Toco the best on his next endeavor which will probably end up not lasting.
Maybe he'll learn after he spends $25K on a panda costume.