Low IQ Sheryl Crow Pulls Maybe The Dumbest Stunt In The History Of Time To Stick It To Elon Musk
Well, I've got a new leader in the clubhouse for the dumbest, most virtue-signaliest, biggest gaslighter of the year award – and it's only February!
Come on down … Sheryl Crow! That's right. Sheryl Crow. The broad who pumped out some bangers back in the day – soak up the sun! – is now so lost, and so insane, and suffers from such an intense case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, that she's completely unrecognizable.
And no, not unrecognizable in the way that homeless George Lopez is unrecognizable. Nope. She's just … batshit insane at this point.
Get 'em, Sheryl!
My God. I mean, what are we doing here? These people are so nuts. Seriously, they're just insane. I didn't know Sheryl Crow was a wacko like this, but I guess I'm not surprised.
Nothing really surprises me anymore with the lefties. They're nuts. I mean, LOOK at this stunt that dummy Sheryl Crow just pulled.
Get ‘em, Sheryl! You show Trump and Elon! Teach those two a LESSON. Sell your Tesla to … NPR … and that’ll save America! How will Elon sleep tonight? How will my Tesla stock survive this one? Gulp.
They're just so stupid. And so brainwashed. I've often said, 10 years from now, our kids will mock us all so hard when they read about COVID in history books. And they should.
The same can be said for the current version of the Democratic Party. Like, our kids are going to read about this shit one day and be like, ‘Well, of course Trump won in 2024! Listen to what these lunatics were doing!’
You've got Chuck Schumer putting cheese on raw burgers, Tim Walz dumping tampons in boys' bathrooms, Ellen DeGeneres fleeing the country, and now this.
What a party. What a gift for us sane Republicans. There is truly no excuse for a Dem to ever be in office again. None.
Now, let's all crank some NPR on the way to the Daytona 500!