Lead 'Star Wars' Actress Releases Bonkers Music Video About Being Oppressed

The new Disney+ Star Wars series The Acolyte has been widely panned by viewers as one of Disney's biggest creative mistakes. 

Led by someone who agreed with the assessment of the show as the "gayest Star Wars ever," The Acolyte has incorporated its progressive political ideology at every possible turn. And audiences have responded in turn. 

READ: Disney's Latest Star Wars Show Is An Unmitigated Disaster

Despite unsurprising critical support from reviewers who share the same ideology and desire continued access to DIsney projects, the audience score on Rotten Tomatoes is just 14% positive. The IMDb user rating is an unimaginable 3.4/10. And many of those ratings were before the woeful fourth episode.

READ: 'Star Wars' TV Series' Pronouns Scene Is Unbelievably Cringe: WATCH

Still though, the show has received promotion and support from the world's largest entertainment conglomerate. Something that seems to escape the show's lead actress, Amandla Stenberg. Stenberg released an unbelievably tone-deaf music (?), performance (?) video talking about how oppressed she and her family have been, while going after the "racists" who dislike her show.

Stenberg's father, is of course, a white Danish man.

‘The Acolyte’ Actress Exemplifies Problems With Modern Hollywood

Stenberg is everything wrong with modern Hollywood, and especially modern Disney.

Talent, performance and creativity take a backseat to checking identity boxes and pandering to specific audiences. Instead of producing quality movies or content designed to appeal to all audiences, shows and studios now frequently focus on only certain groups while derisively dismissing or insulting others.

Stenberg, naturally, received support from her co-star Dafne Keen for this nonsensical video, because there are never consequences for being too woke. Only support and encouragement. The biggest issue for stars, studios and the critic industrial complex, is noticing and criticizing.

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.