Insane Strip Club Rant Goes Viral, Draws Wild Reactions

Ladies, Reddit is not the place you want to go to air your potential grievances with your husband visiting a Las Vegas strip club.

Now, as OutKick readers know, I love Vegas. It's an epic city full of good times, cold beers and *HOPEFULLY* hot blackjack tables. That last one can sometimes be tough, but we always hope for the best.

You can read all about my last adventure in Sin City here.

*READ: Porn Stars, Chaos And A Serious Injury In Las Vegas*

Insane Las Vegas strip club post goes viral.

I've also been clear that I'm not a strip club guy. I have also never been to a Las Vegas strip club, despite knowing a handful of people who work there, due to work reasons, of course.

However, a lot of people like to go to them, and they're widely considered among the best in America. Now, you might have issues with them, but those are the facts.

If you do have a problem with them, Reddit is not the place to take them. Well, that's what one woman did, and it went as well as you'd expect.

She wrote the following on Reddit:

"My husband, boyfriend at that time (2021) kept a secret that he got a private dance at [CLUB NAME REDACTED] stripclub. I dont believe he’s telling the truth about the services he said he paid. He had a [REDACTED] restaurant charge for $400, and a $925 [REDACTED] charge. He said the first room ($400)where the stripper took him to the chair was "too small", so that he paid an upcharge fee for a bigger room, that’s a total of $1325 for what exactly?!"

I hope you're sitting because the responses are every bit as golden as you'd imagine. Check out the replies below, and let me know your thoughts at

  • What you are insinuating would be a cash deal and you would never know about it.
  • those are fraudulent charges. someone must’ve gotten a hold of your husbands cards i was with him at the blackjack tables. he was killin it and he was talking nonstop about how much he loves his wife and couldn’t wait to go back and see her
  • Yup. I was there too. That was a great night
  • I was the table. Can confirm
  • Me as well. Dude was a yapasaurus about how deeply he loved his wife.
  • Pit boss checking in. We even upgraded him to a suite and I saw him go back to his room after the heater on the black jack table.
  • Saw him killing it from across the casino.
  • I was also there, along with Phil, Stu, and Allen
  • Can confirm. I was with these guys while your man was cleaning house at blackjack. Few drinks in, and we went to the strip club. Man's a party animal!
  • If he paid for sex, it would be cash. Sounds like the stripper just managed to hustle him out of an extra $1k
  • Sex with a hot girl in Vegas cost way more than that. He just went to the strip club.
  • That seems right to me. Actually sounds like he made her stop early so he could go home to his loving family.
  • I worked here as a stripper. Surprisingly this is a completely normal way to BE our way to the more expensive VIP rooms. The chairs are actually small and make it difficult for us to do a variety of moves on, booths are much easier so it's not a complete lie lol. And the numbers sound correct for what most girls charge since there's only an official minimum price, but they can charge more for the rooms.
  • Honestly this is hilarious
  • I can confirm I was with your husband. He bought all of the customers a round for $925 and then bought uber eats pizza for $400 (he tipped $100! What a guy).
  • Quite honestly a few song lap dances add up really quick, this isn’t out of the normal. He would have paid substantially way more if it was anything more than lappys
  • Oh my gosh. Your husband went to a strip club four years ago in Vegas. F*ck, leave the man alone. If you're going through CC charges from four years ago, it may be a good idea to skip the marriage counseling and go straight to the divorce attorneys.
  • This has to be one of THE MOST insecure posts I've ever read. I'm not saying that to be mean. I'm saying that because it's unhealthy for you and your relationship.
  • Oh where’s the popcorn?
  • What’s the saying? A fool and his money are soon parted 😆… Vegas is still undefeated like Father Time.
  • A friend of mine went to a strip club in town and took money out of their on site ATM. He was drunk so he didn't notice it at the time, but they charged $100 for the atm fee! So that could have added to the total being that high if he took money out while there.
  • Leave your credit cards in the car! Or hotel. Bring cash only
  • I came for the post, I stayed for the comments
  • Demanding particulars about a strip club visit 4 years ago, before you were married, seems like a poor way to spend your time and energy.
  • Who cares? You weren't even married at the time. And it's just a strip club.
  • If you're digging up bank statements from 2021, I don't think it matters what happened

This went about as well as I expected. One, do not bring credit card to a strip club. It's a recipe for disaster. This is day one stuff in Las Vegas. Two, why are you going through credit card statements from four years ago and prior to being married?

That's a massive red flag, and likely signals some other trust issues. It's definitely not normal behavior. Then, going on Reddit to ask an unhinged question is next level weird.

There might be some bigger issues at play here that are a lot deeper than what allegedly happened at a strip club in 2021. It might be time for the woman to seek help and the guy to re-evaluate who he's hitched his wagon to.

Not judging. Just an observation!

What do you think of the post? Let me know at

Written by
David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.