Las Vegas Police Beg People To Snitch On Super Bowl Parties

Las Vegas police would like people to start snitching on each other during the Super Bowl.

Super Bowl LVIII is this Sunday in Las Vegas between the 49ers and Chiefs. There is some serious buzz in Sin City for the biggest sporting event of the year.

After all, how can people not be excited about Vegas and the Super Bowl joining forces? Las Vegas is a city built for football fans who like gambling, beer and partying.

Just don't party too hard because the police might come knocking.

Las Vegas police ask for snitches to help during Super Bowl weekend.

Many people are heading to Las Vegas with the intent of hitting the tables, watching the game and having a great time. That could be on The Strip, in the Fremont area or at a short-term rental like an AirBnb.

That last one might cause a major problem. The Vegas police released an alert asking people to "help" call in "chronic nuisance or party homes in your neighborhood."

The tweet announcing the news specifically targeted short-term rentals. Yes, in an era where crime is out of control in America, the cops in Vegas are worried about the boys getting together for beer and pizza at a short-term rental. 

Now, let me be crystal clear. If there's a serious problem, people should absolutely call 911 and report it. Nobody wants to be in an unsafe situation.

However, you're a clown if you snitch on Super Bowl parties just because they might get a bit loud. Again, a dangerous situation is one thing, but this is the Super Bowl we're talking about.

People should be getting loud. A day like Super Bowl Sunday is what separates the United States of America from the dirty, Godless communists around the rest of the world.

They have soccer and bad food and alcohol. The USA has the Super Bowl, brats and burgers and enough beer to drown the world. We're just built better, and that means you have to get after it at your Super Bowl party.

At some point, a line has to be drawn in the sand. You can either comply with the state or you can take a stand for what's right. Snitching on a Super Bowl party is something you should definitely NOT do.

I'll be getting loud and proud at the Hookstead Compound, and they'll need SEAL Team 6 to get me to stop. Something tells me a lot of football fans in Las Vegas feel the exact same way. Let me know your thoughts on possible snitches at

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.