Wild Las Vegas Blackjack Strategy Sparks Big Debate. Is The Man A Huge Jerk?
Who is in the wrong when it comes to arguments about blackjack in Las Vegas?
As a bit of a Vegas expert, I can confidently say blackjack is one of the most popular draws in any casino in the city.
There are a wide range of different options depending on your budget. For example, Ellis Island and El Cortez offer low stakes 3:2 games where you can gamble and relax with fellow working class people.
On the other end of the spectrum is the Wynn, where it's common to see people betting thousands per hand. I've played both ends of the spectrum, and have a lot of fun both ways.
You can read all about my last adventure in Sin City here.
*READ: Porn Stars, Chaos And A Serious Injury In Las Vegas*
Viral Las Vegas blackjack post sparks debate.
One thing that is a constant no matter where you play is that some people get *LIVID* if they don't like your strategy.
That leads us to an incredible debate on Reddit about a guy's truly unorthodox blackjack strategy. The viral post states the following:
"So I have a buddy who loves blackjack but will not hit anything over a 12. Nothing, doesn’t matter what the dealer is showing . I’m used to it but it throws everyone off. I get that this is not basic strategy but it’s his strategy. I warn people who join the table "hey he won’t hit anything over a 12." Then after a few hands they get pissed. Not really sure what else I can tell people joining the table. He is going to play how he plays and I’m OK with it, it’s his $$$. Not sure why others can’t get on board with it esp after I give the disclaimer each time. Anyone have advice on how to handle other players? Anyone have similar friends?"
Very interesting post. Very interesting, indeed, and the reactions are all over the place. Check out some responses below, and then we'll unpack it all together:
- Stop giving a f*ck what other people think
- It’s more than what other people think. Players who don’t understand odds see it as I took their card doesn’t make for a fun table. I enjoy the a fun table and high fives for that reason I stick to roulette or craps. What you could do is find empty table and just tell people you have a non conformist strategy if that bothers them they can move on .
- People who are concerned with how other people play blackjack simply don’t understand the game. A player standing or hitting unexpectedly can help your outcome as much as hurt it, it literally has no effect in the long run.
- Gamblers are superstitious. There’s this inherent cognitive bias which says "if he had only played correctly I would have won my hand!". The way someone else is playing a hand has virtually 0 impact on you long term (especially if they are playing it consistently in a certain way).
- This is known as the "no busts" strategy. I don’t think it’s very popular or effective, but the gist is if you never bust it puts the emphasis on the dealer busting.
- I will often hit on a 16 depending on what the dealer shows. I once had a guy lose his sh*t about me "stealing his card" and I stood up and said "unless you’re providing my bankroll, I’ll gamble however I want." I’ll play my cards, you play yours.
- He must like playing at an empty table.
- Rather or not he hits has absolutely no impact on long term results for any other player at the table. I’ve never seen someone with that "strategy" before, but he can do what he wants with his money. I do have some solid advice on how to handle other players. They can go f*ck themselves.
- Maybe get him a blackjack book for idiots that shows he is playing wrong
- Of course his choice has no long-term effect on wins and losses for other players. By not taking a card when most people would, he will "give" the dealer a losing card just as often as a winning one. But of course people are superstitious, so it’s nice of you to warn newcomers. They should feel free to leave for another table, and your friend should feel free to play his game.
- Put him on a touchscreen blackjack machine so he can lose even more money in a shorter time.
- Yeah it's called the "no bust" technique. And it's been proven to lower your odds of winning significantly. See if you can convince him to research that technique and maybe he'll change his mind. As for the other players, I get why they get upset. I hate when someone who doesn't know how to play basic strategy sits down at the table and funks up the vibe. But I never say anything (unless they ask for help) because ultimately they have a right to play however they want and I have a right to get up and leave if it bothers me too much.
- Well, I’m pretty chill nowadays, but stuff like that used to piss me off. At the end of it, it really doesn’t affect anyone else but there’s something about playing with someone flagrantly playing terrible that would make me change tables.
- I am a little different, I won't hit against 2-6 and I surrender 12-16 against 7+. I don't like losing, I'd rather not win than lose. I think people want me to take a card for the table. No, I do what I want, and they can too.
- I had a dealer tell me you can hit or not but be consistent on a 12. I see nothing wrong with it.
- The biggest advantage the dealer has against good players is they win when you both bust! Nothing aggravates me more than making the right play(hitting 12-16 against a 10 value card), busting my hand and then watching the dealer turn over a 4,5 or 6 and then bust! At least if you never hit over 12, this never happens!
- There is nothing you can do to make people accept it. If I joined a table and saw that, I would just get up
- Rules of the game are the same for everyone.
- Tell them that if they have a problem with him not hitting, they can hit twice to make up for it.
- I have seen this strategy before. And I just won’t play with them. I don’t play blackjack just to grind and be social.
Okay, here's the deal, and it's pretty simple. Is the strategy stupid and a loser? Yes. Basic strategy has existed for a long time, and other than counting cards, it's the closest you can get to closing the house edge.
Having said that, what a player does on a table has *ZERO IMPACT* long term. None. Anyone who says it does has no idea what they're talking about.
For every good card he might "steal," there will be a bad one that he does the same to. Over time, it has no impact.
For example, one of my very close friends I go to Vegas with loves doubling down on a hard 12. Why? I have no idea, but he gets enjoyment out of it. After all, we are gambling. Push the limits. Some people would look at that and get enraged. I don't because I know it has zero impact on what is going to happen with my cards.

A blackjack debate is getting heated on Reddit. (Credit: Getty Images)
Is the strategy above dumb? Yes. Does it make the guy a massive jerk that everyone should get angry about? Absolutely not. Deal with your cards the best you can and everything will work itself out. Let me know any fun Vegas stories you have at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.