Lana Del Rey Allegedly Dating Alligator Tour Guide, TikTokers Are Fridgescaping & Meet ‘Stick Nation’

I see you right now — sitting at your computer, pretending to work, counting down the minutes until your long Labor Day weekend.

Got any fun plans? Hitting the lake? Maybe a road trip? Rotting on your couch watching college football? 

I will be taking the third option tomorrow …after I get up at the buttcrack of dawn and complete my 10-mile run for Ragnar training, of course. And considering I've been battling a nasty bug all week, it's not going to be pretty. But I will not let Team Screencaps down! 

Please send me your prayers and your favorite running playlists.

So since we're all eager to begin our long weekend, let's get right to it, shall we? Crack open a cold domestic (if you haven't already), and let's dive into the silliest things I found on the Internet today. It's Nightcaps time!

Lana Del Rey Is (Allegedly) Dating An Alligator Tour Boat Captain

Lana Del Rey has quite an eclectic dating history. Over the years, the GRAMMY-nominated singer/songwriter has been linked to a folk singer, a reality TV star cop, a photographer, various other musicians and even rapper G-Eazy. 

And now, it looks like Lana has pulled her latest boyfriend right out of the Bayou.

Jeremy Dufrene (no relation to the guy who tunneled his way out of Shawshank) is a tour guide at Arthur's Air Boat Tours, a small business located in Des Allemands, La. He spends his days cruising the swamp, scooping up snapping turtles and kissing alligators right on their snoot.

Hopefully Lana doesn't get jealous.

Jeremy is 49 — 10 years older than Lana — and has either two or three kids, depending on which tabloid you read. I'd check for myself except that his social media is private. Rude, Jeremy, inquiring minds need to know these things!

The two apparently first met in March 2019 when Lana took one of Jeremy's tours, and they've stayed in touch ever since.

Rumors recently began swirling about a budding romantic relationship between Lana and this swamp boat captain, and the gossip seemed to be confirmed when the two were spotted holding hands at the 2024 Reading Festival in the U.K.

And these fans' reactions sort of say it all.

A Redditor also snapped a photo of Lana and Jeremy together at a lunch counter together at Harrods in London.

Listen, I mean zero disrespect to swamp boat captains. You just usually don't see them romancing A-list celebrities and casually hanging with them at luxury department stores in Europe.

Plus, I think we can all agree this dude seriously out-kicked his coverage. And you know what? Good for him. I hope he treats her like a princess.

But if things don't work out with Lana, maybe he's got Glen Powell's number, too?

J-Bone and G-Trash. Just guys being dudes.

Speaking of…

Dudes Rock: ‘Stick Nation’ Edition

Wanna hear a riddle? That was a rhetorical question. This is my column, and you don't have a choice. Here goes:

What is brown and sticky?

Answer: A stick.

I first heard that joke during a break at a volleyball tournament when I was 14 years old, and to this day, it's the worst joke I've ever seen printed on a Laffy Taffy wrapper. And I just needed to share that with you.

OK, so It has come to my attention that there is a growing community of fellas on social media who are really into sticks. And I mean all sorts of sticks! Big ones, little ones, uniquely shaped ones, moss-covered ones, functional ones… whatever the variety of stick, Stick Nation will celebrate it.

What started as a joke (a much better one than that Laffy Taffy nonsense) by a couple cool dudes named Boone Hogg and Logan Jugler has grown into nearly 300K followers on TikTok and a whopping 2.1 MILLION followers on Instagram.

And the concept is pretty simple: someone submits a video or photo of a stick, and other members of Stick Nation from around the world rate the find on a scale of 1 to 10. They also award stars for factors like durability, strength, stability, looks and even defense capabilities.

Now feels like a good time to shamelessly plug last week's Womansplaining column.

READ: Here Are The Hobbies Women Actually Find Attractive (And Why They Usually Hate Video Games)

But it's not just a bunch of dorky stick-loving dudes in Stick Nation, no no! The ladies are getting involved, too.

The founders of Stick Nation — who originally just wanted to show off a 7/10 handgun-shaped stick they found at Utah’s Arches National Park — are now selling merch, rolling in sponsorship money and are currently accepting submissions for their very first book.

So next time you're sitting in traffic commuting to and from your boring 9-to-5 like a sucker, just remember a couple of goobers are making money posting pictures of sticks on the Internet.

Honestly, I admire the hustle. And the wholesomeness.

What's Your Airport Tray Aesthetic?

And lest you think that stick-rating is the dumbest thing happening on the Internet right now, allow me to introduce you to the  "Airport Tray Aesthetics" trend.

As if miserably long TSA lines aren't awful enough, how about getting stuck behind a group of wannabe TikTok influencers who are taking pictures of their styled airport trays?

Yep, it's a thing.

I don't know about you, but I get unreasonable anxiety when I go through TSA — because I'm afraid of unintentionally holding up the line and pissing everyone off. 

You know the feeling: You're fumbling through your bag trying to pull out your laptop, find your plastic bag full of toiletries and simultaneously take off your shoes as quickly as you can …all while the guy behind you is pushing your tray forward because he's in a big ol' hurry and you're taking too long.

Apparently, these women don't think the same way I do, though. Because the airport tray aesthetic enthusiasts are taking their sweet time loading up the little boxes with sweatshirts, high heels, designer purses, magazines and mini luxury perfumes and makeup items.

But hold up… I have learned their secret! Some of these weirdos are waiting until AFTER they go through security to style their trays. So once they've hastily thrown everything into the box and walked through the cancer machine like the rest of us normies, they snatch their tray and take it to the designated putting-your-shoes-back-on bench.

Then, they make themselves at home while they create their work of art.

Not into it? OK…

Maybe ‘Fridgescaping’ Is More Your Thing?

Yes, because if there's anything less important than a stylish airport tray, it's a stylish refrigerator.

And I don't mean hanging photos, grocery lists or drawings your kid did in art class on the outside of the fridge. I mean actively decorating the inside of your fridge.

This new trend, Fridgescaping, is the art of organizing and decorating your refrigerator shelves. It’s a creative trend that involves arranging food items in a visually appealing and functional way and even adding trinkets, flowers and pictures to really boost the feng shui!

And it's all the rage among mom-fluencers on TikTok.

Unpopular opinion, but I'm actually jealous of these people. I would LOVE to have so much free time on my hands and so few actual problems that I thought, You know what? The inside of my fridge could be prettier!

I think the 10th time my husband had to move a bunch of picture frames, floral arrangements and tiny figurines just to reach the leftovers, though, my newfound hobby would probably come to an end.

But this guy pretty much sums it up:

I mean, "Fridgerton" is cute and all. But if you open up the refrigerator in my house, you'll just find stacked-up meal prep containers and a case of Miller Lite.

What can I say? It's my aesthetic.

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OutKick Nightcaps is a daily column set to run Monday through Friday at 4 p.m.

Follow me on X / Twitter at @TheAmberHarding or email me at