Kyle, Texas' Gathering Of The Kyles Falls 1,800 Kyles Short Of World Record... Kyles

This past weekend, the city of Kyle, Texas set out to put its name in the Guinness Book of World Records by bringing together more people with the same first name — in this case, Kyle — than ever before.

While the city gave it a hell of a go, it fell about 1,800 Kyles short of breaking the record.

The Gathering of the Kyles — which I'd be willing to bet has a considerable amount of crossover with the Gathering of the Juggalos (just a hunch) — drew an impressive 706 people named Kyle — from young Kyles to elderly Kyles — to the small city southwest of Austin, known as the "Pie Capital of Texas."

Now it's the Kyle Capital of Everywhere.

However, it isn't the Large Gathering of People with the Same Name Capital of the World.

According to the Associated Press, that honor belongs to some town in Bosnia which drew 2,325 Ivans.

Now, I think our Kyles are getting snubbed here. That's an impressive number of Ivans, however, it was my understanding that half of the men in Eastern Europe are named Ivan. The other half is named Boris.

These are facts.

So doesn't that feel just a little bit like cheating? It'd be like saying the City of Green Bay is home to the highest concentration of Packers fans. Where else would they be?

Sounds like a snub to me, and sadly for our Kyle friends, it's only going to get harder to smash that (tainted, in my opinion) record set by the Ivans.

That's because this past weekend's gathering fell well short of the mark set by a previous attempt to bring Kyles to Kyle. 

Last time, 1,490 Kyles showed up in another attempt to dethrone the Ivans. That's a nearly 50% drop off in Kyles from one year to the next.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.