Kim Jong Un Out Alphas Putin In Hilarious Video

Kim Jong Un and Vladimir Putin got into an incredible standoff Tuesday, and the video is internet gold.

The Russian strongman leader visited North Korea for a meeting with his fellow dictator, and it was a "power moves only" kind of day for the latter.

A hilarious video shows the two dictators in a bit of a squabble over who was going to get into a car first. Neither wanted to be the first to break.

Apparently, getting in a car first means you're weaker in their minds. Kim Jong Un held his ground at all costs, and Putin ended up bending the knee… getting in the AC-cooled vehicle first.

Check out the truly incredible footage below, and him with your reactions at

Kim Jong Un and Putin have standoff over car.

Sometimes, you see a video on the internet, and you simply know it's going to set everything on fire. That's exactly the kind of content this video is. Social media had plenty of hilarious reactions. Check out some of the best below.

Say whatever you want about Kim Jong Un (he's a scumbag), but you have to respect his boldness in this situation. Once you make the decision that you're not getting in the car first, then you simply can't do it under any circumstances.

I don't care if you have to stand there all day, you're not getting in the car first once a line in the sand has been drawn.

Power. Moves. Only.

Also, imagine being a fly on the wall for a conversation between these two. Both are brutal authoritarian leaders, and Kim Jong Un is widely-seen as a "South Park" character who ended up in control of a communist dictator.

A meeting between the two is a prime example of a situation where you hope both lose and nobody wins. Unfortunately for Putin, he went to North Korea and then got crushed in front of the cameras.

Tough look for our guy, Vlad. Better luck next time. Let me know your thoughts at

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.