Kiki Passo Turns Up The Heat From The Beach As U.S. Freezes, Remembering Uecker & Trump Vs. Henry At RB

I asked for stories about couples getting divorced and having to share the dog & it took 30 minutes to receive gold

— Chris sent this to me at 9:30 a.m. Thursday morning. I published Screencaps at like 9:02 a.m. ET: 

I started reading Screencaps this morning and only made it to your request for divorce dog visitation stories before I had to stop and send my experience.  So, my current wife and I are both on marriage number 2.  She and her first husband remain amicable and also were gifted a baby boxer for their wedding.  Fast forward several years and they are now divorce and my future wife has custody of the boxer and has moved to Chicago while her ex is still in DC.  In the meantime, she and I start dating and I am introduced to the boxer and learn some background on her ex and that relationship. 

A few months in, she tells me that she has to meet her ex halfway between Chicago and DC to drop the boxer off with him so he can have said boxer for a month or so.

This happens a few times at the beginning of our long-distance relationship....I live in KC where she eventually moves with the boxer and the 3 of us are going to live happily ever after!  Not so fast....her ex takes a promotion and moves to Dallas.  Well, as you would guess, this sparks the discussion of getting the boxer to him for some daddy time.  Sooooo, the meeting place becomes somewhere in Oklahoma, at least once in OKC and another time in Tulsa, which I actually went along with.

Now keep in mind, with each of these visitation "drop-offs" there is a visitation "pick up" roughly 6 weeks down the road.   I can't even begin to calculate the hours and miles racked up doing this.  Sadly, the boxer passed a few years back, which brought an end to this adventure.

Not sure if this takes the cake, but I bet it comes close!

Love your "stuff" keep up the good work!


Takes the cake. 9th inning bases loaded grand slam. Gold. 

This is why I love this community of readers. I can throw out something random like people sharing the dog after a divorce and this community is so large that one of you can give me a story. 

That's why I can't imagine working another job. This place is too much fun. 

— Michael J. in Utah shares a story: 

I had a friend that had joint custody of a dog with his ex-wife.   The dog had to be transported between the homes by an independent third-party courier.    He had to pay for it as his ex-wife did not work.   

He got tired of paying for this and the logistics so I recommended that he call her bluff and tell her that she could have the dog full time as I knew she didn’t really like the dog that much.  He did, and he got his dog full time. 

— Charlie T. is furious at people and their dogs: 

I know I'll be unpopular with the dog people out there, and likely on a permanent (dog) shit list.....

but folks.... dogs are NOT KIDS. 

Case in point, when your kids go off to military/college/life....whatever.... when their 18 or so, do you instantly feel the need to adopt babies since the kids are gone?   

I compare them, as dogs only live 8-15 years....less time than your kid is at home....Losing a dog is tough!!!  But when a dog gets ran over, kicks the bucket, buy a new one (just like a car or boat or motorcycle) or you don't.   But it is a given you will be replacing them every 8-15 years?  And yes, I've had dogs, but none since the last kid was off the payroll and out of the house (15 or so years now...).   It's good for kids to grow with a dog as they learn about life/death.   

I can't tell you how many people I know (kids out of house I'm referring to) who refuse to travel and see this great country/world of ours due to restrictions on traveling with dogs and simply can't bear the thought of their dog/cat in a dog/cat hotel.   Their lives revolve as much or more around their pet than their own lives/family..... it's still a dog who licks it ass/balls right before it licks your face.

I do know one formerly married couple who do the dog visitation business.....couple of libs out in San Diego.   The woman (who was the main breadwinner) actually has to pay all the vet bills too as the weenie ex can't afford it as a college professor......need I say more?

You want to know how the economy has been BOOMING for quite a while now?   When people have enough money to get ACL surgeries on dogs, health insurance on dogs, dog visitation in divorce,  super expensive dog food......back when this country had REAL economic issues, these things were only for the super wealthy..

FWIW, those of you who chose to be veterinarians, are in the RIGHT business!!  Modern day gold mine!!!

Rant over, go give mans best friend a dog treat on me!

F Notre Dame and the ttun.

And yes, the Big10 and SEC deserve the auto bye's, hands down the best conferences.

Ranking Thursday's Screencaps IG models

— Chris Y. is back and he's having fun: 

I play a little game with Screencaps, to be more specific, "Stuff you guys sent..." I rank the five hottest chicks of the day. For those asking, "Why does he do that?" I ask why you do not.

There are high-quality days when making the top 5 is a feat. Alas, there are days when finding three is a challenge. It's like scouring the bar at last call looking for Mrs. Right Now. The only options, bad and worse. I call these the Martha Stewart days. It's like looking at the sun. I can't scroll fast enough. Just no.

Yet other days present an unquestioned top 5. January 16th is one of those days. The ranking:

5) Taylor Mathis
4) Sydney Thomas
The Medal Ceremony
The Bronze Medal: Alexa Collins
The Silver Medal: Laura The Flight Attendant
The Gold Medal: ashxschultz

 FWIW, Ali Dunn is the undisputed champion of the world. If you are a single heterosexual man and no not wish to buy her a house, reevaluate your priorities.


Ali Dunn remains one of the sneakiest of the sneaky Instagram models who just goes about her business and never seems to lose a step. I think she went to nursing school and that's how she popped up on my radar a few years ago. 

The algorithm just started firing all sorts of nurses at me. 

A material item you lost in the divorce that still pisses you off (I don't want to hear about losing the kids or really sad stuff like that) 

— Boomer in Boston went through a divorce: 

I know I am setting myself up here, but in the name of content for the best column in America, here goes….

Divorced a couple of years ago after a 20-year marriage.  She ended up with the…. Wait for it….. Riding Lawn Mower (Head bowed in shame).

I just had to go open a beer typing that.

I loved taking care of my lawn. It was before I was aware of the TNML. I was actually a two-time a week mower. Wednesday after work and Saturday mornings (The more you mow, the better it will grow!)

Loved it, put my playlist on and rode around on my mower. Lawn looked beautiful and it was therapeutic.

Divorce time, I was going to downsize. Either Condo or Mobile Home. No use for the mower and no place to store it.

I did try to find a home for it to spite her. Asked three buddies but they either had one or not interested. So, I reluctantly had to give it up. I don’t even know if she knows how to use it!

The Great ‘Stonewaller from West Texas’ writes in and she has a doozy: 

Dear Joe:  do you remember last year when "Dean from Monroe, Georgia" wrote and asked for advice about getting divorced and another reader just destroyed him for asking?  I wrote with advice, and so I won't go into what a lying, cheating, no-good asshole my ex-husband was because I already did so at that time.  I have decided to write you a response about the last evil prank that I pulled on him.   

I will pretend to be him and so this will be his response about something he lost in the divorce with me.  I couldn't resist and that's what he got for pissing me off.  I still laugh an evil cackle when I think about it.  This is what his letter would have said:

Dear Joe:  You wanna know what my ex-wife took from me in the divorce? It was just a little thing, but it made me furious.  We split up all the stuff in the house and since I was keeping the grill, I asked her to leave the electric carving knife behind for me, because you know, she never cooked anyway and I told her that.  

Well, I mean, she cooked.  It just wasn't what I wanted.  

I wanted all fried food, all the time.  She used to say that I would eat a funky gym sock if she battered it and fried it like the steakfingers that she made for me .  She tried to get me to eat more healthy, but nevermind about that.  She just looked at me when I said that thing about her not cooking, and I was sorta thinking maybe I shouldn't have said that because of the look in her eye, but she said "Sure, why not?"

Anyway, she did leave the electric knife for me.  But that bitch took the blades to it with her and she cut the cord off, so I couldn't use it.  How about that?  Women!


And that, my friends, is why I love when Stonewaller sends an email. It feels like her material could be turned into a movie or a country music video. 

There's passion in that writing. Now we need to know what books Stonewaller is currently reading or suggests for the…

Screencaps Book Club®

You guys 100% LOVE recommending books. If I ever want to poke the bear and get you guys to send emails, all I have to say is that it's time for book club recommendations. BOOM, the inbox lights up. 

— Zach L. emails: 

Not a spy series, but if you want a real historical account of American bad asses, this is the book.  Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West by Stephen Ambrose.  

Warning:  This is not for members of The Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can’t Read Good and Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too.

Thomas B. checks in (rookie emailer? I don't remember him): 

Some recommendations on good fiction: 

Mitch Rapp series by Vince Flynn (Kyle Mills after Vince passed away from cancer)

Scott Harvath series by Brad Thor 

Both series are about counterterrorism operatives.

Prey series with Lucas Davenport by John Sandford - a detective series.

Cotton Malone series by Steve Berry - a covert operative series with some interesting historical issues.

Jack Reacher series by Lee Child – you’ve seen the movies - former MP that solves problems as he traverses the country.

Michael V. gets a book on the list: 

I would like to recommend The Rifle by Andrew Biggio to anyone who enjoys World War Two stories. Biggio interviewed the veterans directly and their stories are heroic. Enjoy.

— Joe S.A. in California hops into the conversation: 

I like the book club recommendations. One of my favorite authors is Bill Bryson.  Usually, an enjoyable non-fiction read that is humorous as well as informative.  One of his books was made into a movie with Robert Redford, A Walk in the Woods.  As usual the book was way funnier.

For fantasy genre Stephen R. Donaldson’s Chronicles of Thomas Covenant series is awesome but I recall that they were a more advanced read and I was constantly looking up words.  Keep up the great work.

— Todd Z. who lit into you guys for sharing sunset and sunrise pics IS BACK: 

A military/law series by Brian Haig (son of former Sec of State Alexander Haig).

Start with Secret Sanction.

— Beer Guy Thomas V. in NC knows books: 

Historic spy fiction set around World War 2 Alan Furst books are a good read.

Screencaps folk many remember the Nero Wolfe stories on A&E. Rex Stout wrote the detective stories, fun and light reads. A bargain at used book stores. 

— Scott in Victoria, MN says: 

Hey Joe - a couple more favorite book series / authors (these might have been mentioned already):

  • Vince Flynn - Mitch Rapp is the main character... Vince passed away a few years ago but the new writer (Kyle Mills) is doing a great job keeping Mitch Rapp alive and badass!
  • Brad Thor - Scott Harvath is the main character... similar structure to the Mitch Rapp series, but different characters and storylines.

Keep up the great work with ScreenCaps... love it!

Kevin D. says thanks: 

I’ll keep it short. Thanks to whoever mentioned Carl the Dungeon Crawler, read all of book 1 today, hooked. 

Second the emailer who mentioned Joe Abercrombie. The core trilogies are stupendous (Second Law, Age of Madness) but if someone wants to test the waters outside the trilogies they should read The Heroes or Best Served Cold - latter is in some stage of film production. Both outstanding. 

The genre is grim dark and Prince of Thorns another great example in the style:

Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.


What a great email from Kevin. He was cruising through Screencaps, saw a suggestion that piqued his interest and went to work reading. 

Let this be a lesson to those who think their suggestion won't make a difference. Send the email! Don't be a stranger. You have no clue where one simple email may take you. One minute you could be a rookie emailer, the next minute you could be the next Mike T. & Cindy T. or one of the legends like Beau in Toledo. 

Or you could be the emailer with a great book suggestion that helps someone else. 

There are MORE book recommendation emails to come. Join in the fun. 

A.J. Foyt turns 90

Speaking of books, I didn't know that a Foyt biography dropped in October, but now I have added it to my biography must-reads (656 pages!). 

As I've mentioned in past editions of Screencaps, I was lucky enough to do a private interview Foyt a few years back (2016 – just checked emails) at Mid-Ohio inside his 5th wheel & the guy, as you'd expect, was as interesting as I'd hoped. It was super relaxed because my boss at the time knew Foyt and assured him this was just a couple of guys shooting the shit. 

I seem to remember him telling a story about sleeping under his truck along Texas state routes as he served as a stone broke one-man band traveling to races all over the place. I'd have to go back and see if I can find the interview, but I just remember his can-do attitude was awesome. 

As a kid who grew up 90 miles east of Indy in the 1980s, Foyt was our Dale Earnhardt. It still feels out of body that I was sitting there in that trailer hearing stories. I went in completely intimidated knowing that AJ was as tough as they come. Then, it turned out to be like talking to a grandfather who was taking an afternoon break from mowing his lawn. It was fascinating.

Now this is a BOLD statement from Mike T. 

— The Ts check in: 

Best churros in Spain

Santa Cristina Malaga, Spain

— Mike T. also sent in this: 

Master at work. 

By the way, here's where the Ts are now holed up, in case you weirdos want to Google Earth their current location

Guys, just don't send the Spanish mobsters to rob the Ts. They literally just have their clothes and some beer from Costco. 

— Mike T. reports: 

New patio life

Banalmadena, Spain

Costa del Sol

The Art of Enjoying Snow & Refusing To Fall For The Pussification of Sledding

— Ian writes: 

Nationwide, I think everyone of a certain age had a pretty good inventory of K-tel products. Growing up in Canada everyone had a couple of pairs of Super-Slider Snow Skates and Mini Skis in their car or truck. Both were made to be laced up around your boots so you could use them anywhere. The rich kids had a real ski rope with a handle, everyone else had a scavenged rope with a loop at the end.

Any time there was snow on the ground, day or night, light or dark, city or country, you could break those suckers out, tie the rope to the bumper, and you were off to the races. Nothing like rolling down a country road in the dark at 50 mph under a full moon bouncing off the snow banks. 

Then came the horses, ATV's (3 wheelers back in the day, which is another thread for dangerous pursuits), snowmobiles, etc. Anything you could tie off to for speed.

No prizes for smarts, but pretty good fun. 


That's it. Gotta run. I'm loaded with all sorts of work today, so let's go get after it. 

It's Friday. MY Lions have a big game and I'm worried Jayden Daniels is going to have a performance for the ages. It's survive and advance time. 


Numbers from :

Stuff You Guys Sent In & Stuff I Like : 

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.