Kanye West Steals Phone, Eviscerates TMZ Paparazzi Before A Change Of Heart

In a must-see video, Kanye West went absolutely berserk on a TMZ paparazzi reporter who was following him on a Hollywood sidewalk over the weekend before the rapper then had a sudden change of heart.

Decked out in all black -- including a black stocking over his entire face as if he was a bank robber in a 90’s movie -- Kanye is seen walking with a bodyguard. The TMZ reporter approaches Kanye with her cell phone in hand and records him before eventually setting him off when she asks a question about his wife.

“Kanye, does Bianca have free will? Some people are saying that you’re controlling her,” the reporter heroically asked. The question came after some gossip sites reported that West doesn’t want his wife to use social media so she doesn’t have to deal with haters and trolls.

What happened next, however, is CLASSIC.


Immediately Kanye RIPS her cell phone out of her hand leaving her jaw nearly all the way on the Hollywood Blvd. sidewalk. Seriously – she couldn’t believe that he did that. (By the way – what a swipe from Kanye, almost John Stockton-like!)

“All this TMZ setting celebrities up, all this bullsh**. I don’t give a F*** what you all have to say… you think you can walk up to me like that? Ask me about my wife, talking about if she has free will? Are you CRAZY? This is America. Do you got free will, or do you work for the devil – you work for TMZ.” Kanye began.

“You come at me and ask me some dumbass sh** about my wife. That’s my WIFE. Do you understand?” the rapper continued before then throwing shade at ex-wife Kim Kardashian – who Kanye says never gets grilled for what she has done to him.

“Did you have questions when I wasn’t able to see my kids? And that I only get visitation and don’t’ have rights to where they go to school? You got questions for that, or are you part of the system?” Kanye continued screaming. “You think you can go up to every celebrity and ask some dumbass questions about their wife?”

If this TMZ reporter wanted a ‘Gotcha!’ moment out of Kanye with her absurd question, she got one… however, it was her that got “got.” And we aint done yet with it!


Kanye then brought back flashbacks of me getting scolded when I did something wrong in elementary school and my 2nd grade teacher would begin asking me questions about if I understood why I was in trouble.

“Tell me – was it wrong for you to ask me about my wife about some dumbass, disrespectful, sh** like that? Was that wrong or right?”

The reporter – clearly embarrassed and just wanting to crawl into a hole responds, “I don’t know Kanye, I just want to get my phone back.”


“Answer my question. I’m supposed to answer your questions, you answer my question… Was asking if my wife has free will a dumbass question? To ask that question to a grown-ass SUPERHERO (What a line – calling yourself a superhero is next level)

Kanye continues on for a bit longer until police are like WTF is going on. But then, Kanye pulls the ultimate reversal by offering her a job on the spot!

“What is your first and last name? You’re not just a reporter, what is your first and last name? What is your address? What do you make a year?” Kanye screamed before then saying “I’ll pay you double what they’re paying you,” before the TMZ reporter’s attitude completely changes and she begins smiling. “Oh, now you’re smiling huh? Get her name and address let's ,” Kanye says to one of his publicists as the video turns off.


I'm no fan of Kanye West's rants these days for obvious reasons after he was named Anti-Semite of the year, but this TMZ one is wild because he does have a point.

To be fair, Kanye is completely right for why he’s mad in the first place. The question at best was poorly phrased (even TMZ admits it) and at worst was incredibly rude. He does have a point about being singled out while we never hear those types of questions to Kim Kardashian. Granted, of course Kanye does it to himself by uhm, everything that entails being Kanye West.

There’s no word if the TMZ reporter took him up on the job offer or what role Kanye wanted to have on his team. One thing’s for certain, she definitely doesn’t have any shame just walking up on people and calling people out – regardless how rude or wrong she was. And she didn’t cry, which is also another win I guess?

Which leaves the question – would you take a job with Kanye West if he offered you one like this TMZ journalist?

Written by
Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.