Kamala Harris Unveiled A New Accent Last Night And It'll Make Your Skin Crawl

Kamala Harris unveiled a brand new voice during her Atlanta campaign stop last night – her first as the presumptive democratic nominee – and it rocked this great country to the core. 

If you thought her cackle was bad, strap the hell in, because this one is a doozy. 

For those who missed it – and I don't blame you, because I certainly did – this Kamala Harris rally was … something. It was an event, for sure. 

I'm talking rappers on stage, asses twerking left and right, right in peoples' faces, and, of course, Kamala taking hold of the microphone and introducing America to a new accent. 

And buddy, we noticed:

Kamala Harris goes the Brian Kelly route

Honestly, that would be awesome. I think I'd gain a touch of respect for Kamala if she unleashes something like that down the road. Brian Kelly, as awkward and weird as he is, decided to just say f--k it and go ALL IN when he got to LSU. 

And you know what? It's sort of worked. I thought Kelly would be a disaster over there, and he's been pretty damn good. He's a weirdo, but he's our weirdo. SEC, baby!

Anyway, back to Kamala Harris … yeah, that was a tough listen. No doubt about it. I mean, I've sort of been there before, because I lived in Boston for four years and by the end of it I certainly picked up a few things, but still … nothing that bad. 

Honestly, though, that wasn't the worst part of the night. The twerking on stage did it for me. What a twist! The old white grandmas in attendance must've had their minds BLOWN when that started happening. You reckon they've switched over to Trump yet this morning? Lord knows I would. 

All in all, a solid start to what should be just an insufferable few months of Kamala Harris rally clips. Can't wait.

PS: the old white women joke I just made? Well … check out the bottom right of this first video. Hilarious. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.