Kamala Harris May Get Insane Money From Book Deal
Kamala Harris may have lost the Presidential election, but she may be laughing her way to the bank, as it's reported that multiple book publishers are offering BIG BUCKS for a book deal.
According to the UK's DailyMail, which cites multiple sources, top publishers are offering up to $20 million for the exclusive rights for the Vice President and failed Democratic Presidential nominee to apparently talk about how she not only blew the election, but also blew through a whopping $1.5 billion fundraising warchest.
The DailyMail quotes a Harris insider as saying, "Virtually the moment Kamala lost to Trump, the offers began pouring in from the publishing world for her to do the definitive book on what really went on between Joe and Kamala – what went right and what went wrong – inside the Oval Office walls, and all the ups and downs of her campaign." The source then says that the book offer would be in the $20 million range.
There's also reportedly some interest from Netflix to possibly do some sort of special on Harris as well once she leaves office. I can only assume these decision makers are the same geniuses that thought people wanted to watch Meghan Markle do a cooking show, which has since not been renewed.
Although $20 million may seem like a lot, in 2001, former President Bill Clinton received a $10 million book deal,, while Barak and Michelle Obama received a massive $65 million advance for their joint publishing deal with Penguin Random House in 2017.
Considering one of the biggest complaints against Harris was her inability to speak and connect like a normal person to the American people during her campaign run, something tells me that this book is going to be a major flop if the $20 million price tag is actually correct. Let's not forget that Kamala faced multiple plagiarism accusations for her 2009 book "Smart on Crime," in which she was one of the co-authors of while she was San Francisco district attorney.
If Kamala Harris seriously goes through with this book deal and a book publishing company is that clueless to give her 10s of millions of dollars for it, it only proves that they haven't learned a thing about why they lost the Presidential election in the first place.
If anything, it seems that people are over not only Harris, but President Biden and much of the Democratic Party Establishment in general, after many felt that they were betrayed by Harris's automatic replacement of President Biden without going through the primary process.
Kamala Harris needs to get a clue and come to the realization that she lost to Donald Trump in humiliating fashion. And trust me, no Democrat wants to re-live that or read about it.